Cortlandt-Beemerville Magmatic Belt |
The present study is focused on the petrology, geochemistry (including INAA trace elements), mineral chemistry (electron microprobe), and geochronology (fission track) of the Beemerville complex and associated felsic and mafic dikes. Additional geochronological studies (titanite and zircon U-Pb ages) are underway to further characterize the timing of the various magmatic events. Norman Charnley (Oxford) has assisted with the mineral chemistry studies. Undergraduate Honor's projects have been done on the Beemerville complex by Scott Maher and Laurene Poland. Publications resulting from the present study are listed below. |
Petrology, Geochronology, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry of the Beemerville Alkaline Complex, Northern New JerseyEby, G. N.The
Beemerville alkaline complex, New Jersey, occurs at the western end of the
Cortlandt-Beemerville magmatic belt. The eastern end of the belt is defined by
the Cortlandt complex, New York, which largely consists of ultramafic and
mafic rocks. Between these two intrusive centers is a linear almost east-west
trending zone of lamprophyre and felsic dikes. The Beemerville complex
consists of two large nepheline syenite bodies, several diatremes, and
associated lamprophyre and phonolite dikes, all of which intrude the shales
and graywackes of the Ordovician Martinsburg Formation. The emplacement of
these igneous bodies is post-tectonic and titanite fission-track ages indicate
an emplacement age of 420 ± 6 Ma. The mean apatite fission-track age is 156
± 4 Ma, which represents the time the rocks of the complex were last at
temperatures of 60oC to 100oC. The
major rock forming minerals are orthoclase, nepheline, and clinopryroxene.
Minor minerals are biotite and titanite. Accessory minerals are sodalite,
fluorite, calcite, and opaque oxides. Cancrinite alteration of nepheline is
common. Based on electron microprobe data the pyroxenes range in composition
from diopside through aegirine-augite to aegirine. The feldspars in the
nepheline syenites and phonolites are orthoclase (>Or80), with
albite noted in some specimens. Two biotite populations can be identified: one
encompasses the nepheline syenites and phonolites and the other the
lamprophyre dikes and matrix material from the diatremes, an observation which
suggests a genetic linkage between the lamprophyres and the diatremes. Based on textural, phase equilibria, and chemical criteria, the phases fractionating from the syenitic magmas were aegirine, nepheline, and titanite. The nepheline syenites are essentially crystal cumulates with some trapped interstitial melt. Few, if any, of the phonolites represent liquid compositions, and this is partly due to post-magmatic alteration. Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios are very variable, in part due to the fractionation of titanite and in part due to hydrothermal alteration. Three distinct REE patterns are observed for the phonolites: uniform slope downwards from LREE to HREE, flattening at the HREE end, and U-shaped. These patterns are partly due to the fractionation of titanite, but a more detailed explanation most likely involves the role of fluids in altering these patterns. Rock chemistry (Excel spreadsheet) Mineral chemistry (Excel spreadsheet) Petrology and Geochemistry of the Beemerville Nepheline Syenite Complex, Northern New Jersey, U.S.A. Eby, G. Nelson, Maher, Scott G., and Poland, Laurene J. In the medium to coarse-grained syenites euhedral nephelines occur within large feldspars and as a separate phase. The dominant mafic is aegirine which occurs late in the crystallization sequence and generally has an acicular and/or radiating habit. Large euhedral titanites are an important accessory mineral. Primary fluorite is found in association with aegirine. F-rich (up to 1.2 wt. %) biotite is a minor accessory. Cancrinite is ubiquitous as an alteration product (of nepheline). In terms of major and trace element chemistry the felsic and mafic dikes form two discrete groups which are apparently not related by fractional crystallization. Biotites from the mafic dikes are richer in Al and Mn, at the same Mg/(Mg+Fe+Mn) ratio, than those from the felsic dikes. The mafic dikes are enriched in K2O relative to Na2O, have high (Ce/Yb)N ratios, and show an affinity with the carbonate-rich breccias. The felsic dikes have lower (Ce/Yb)N ratios and often show convex downwards REE patterns. Both groups, however, have low Y/Nb and Yb/Ta ratios (<0.3) indicating that they were derived from an OIB-like source. The
syenitic melts were anhydrous, but relatively fluid due to their high F
content and temperature. In the case of the felsic dikes, magmatic evolution
was largely controlled by the crystallization of nepheline. The medium- to
coarse-grained syenites are essentially feldspar-nepheline cumulates, with
intercumulus aegirine.
of Magmatic Titanite from the Beemerville Nepheline Syenite, Sussex County,
New Jersey Eby, G. N.
and Sclar,
C. B. The outer 15±
m. of the southernmost part of the Beemerville nepheline syenite pluton
contains 3-6% pale pinkish brown euhedral crystals of magmatic titanite
ranging in size from 2-5 mm. Titanite was analyzed with the electron
microprobe, by ICP spectroscopy, and by INAA. It contains 4430 ppm Zr, 3300
ppm Nb, 3000 ppm total REE, and only 14 ppm Hf, 17 ppm Th, and 5 ppm U. The
titanite has a La/Lu ratio of 474 and a chondrite-normalized REE plot shows
that it is strongly enriched in light REE. Although the
nepheline syenite contains 450-1200 ppm of Zr, it contains no detectable
zircon. It appears that, because of the low activity of silica in the
nepheline syenite magma (46-48% SiO2), Zr4+ was admitted
dominantly into the structure of titanite and subordinately into the structure
of the Mn-rich titanomagnetite. Benoit and Sclar (1991) discovered minute ZrO2
(baddeleyite) inclusions in the titanomagnetite which appear to be exsolution
bodies in the pyrophanite-ilmenite solid solution [(MnTiO3)38(FeTiO3)62]
exsolved from the titanomagnetite. The high-temperature homogenous igneous
spinel which admitted the Zr4+ had the composition [(FeFe2O4)78(Fe2TiO4)13(Mn2TiO4)9].
The high Zr/Hf ratio (308) indicates that the titanite preferentially
incorporated zirconium relative to hafnium. This suggests that fractional
crystallization of titanite might explain the occurrence of alkalic rocks with
low Zr/Hf ratios. The relative concentrations of the REE in this titanite are
in accord with the systematics of REE in titanite from other alkalic igneous
rocks (Fleischer, 1978). A
Fission-track Date on Magmatic Titanite from the Bemerville Nepheline Syenite,
Sussex County, N.J. Eby, G. N.,
Sclar, C. B., and Myers, P. B. The Beemerville
nepheline syenite is a coarse-grained pluton that intruded the Late Ordovician
Martinsburg Formation and was apparently overlain unconformably by the
Upper Ordovician(?) to Middle Silurian Shawangunk Formation. To the north,
northwest, and east of the nepheline syenite are small plugs of alnoite and
carbonatite. Zartman et al (1967) obtained a K-Ar date of 443 ± 20 Ma
(corrected to the new K-Ar decay constants) on the biotite phenocrysts in the
alnoite. Diamond-drill cores obtained from the southern contact of the
nepheline syenite went through hornfels developed from the Martinsburg
Formation and reveal that the outer 50± feet of the syenite contains 3-6% of
pale pinkish-brown rare earth- and niobium-bearing euhedral magmatic titanite
ranging in size from 2-5 mm. The uranium content of the titanite is only 2.5
ppm. The titanite was separated using heavy liquids and magnetic separation,
and the age of each of two discrete groups of titanite grains was determined
by fission-track methods. One group gave a date of 426 ± 48 Ma; the other
gave a date of 417 ± 48 Ma. A combination of analytical uncertainties plus
uncertainties in the zeta calibration yield a final age estimate of 422 ± 14
Ma which corresponds to Middle Silurian (Niagaran) time. The intrusion of
the Beemerville nepheline syenite and the alnoite-carbonatite plugs
marks the end of the Taconic orogeny in this area. Therefore, either the
Shawangunk Formation may be younger than Albion in this area or the nepehline
syenite indeed intruded the Shawangunk Formation in which case the Shawangunk
Formation in this area is Albion and the nepheline syenite is Niagaran. |