
Microwave Synthesizer
- Model: Biotage Initiator Microwave
- Temperature range: 40-250 °C
- Temperature increase: 2-5 °C/sec
- Pressure range: 0-20 bar
- Power range: 0-400 W at 2.45 GHz
- Reaction vials: 4 sizes: 0.2-0.5, 0.5-2, 2-5,
10-20 mL
- Agitation: Variable magnetic stirrer (300-900
- Existing Accessories: Robot Sixty for Initiator
Laser Diffraction Particle Size
- Model:
- Particle Size Range: 0.017 µm - 2000 µm
- Illuminating Source: Diffraction: Solid State (780 nm) PIDS: Tungsten lamp
with high quality band-pass filters (450, 600 and 900 nm)
- Temperature Range: 10 - 40°C
Thermogravimetric Analysis
- Model: TA Instruments Q50
- Temperature range: Ambient +5oC to 1000oC
- Linear heating rates of 0.1 to 100oC/min
- Sensitivity: 0.1 µg
- Pan types: Ceramic and platinum
- Max sample weight: 100 mg
- Purge gases: Nitrogen, air
- Accessories: TGA/FT-IR Interface

Differential Scanning Calorimeter
- Model: TA Instruments Q 100
- Has autosampler for Hermetically sealed pan
- Temperature range: -90 to 550oC (with Refrigerated cooling system
- Heating rate: 0.1 to 200oC/min
- Calorimetric precision: +/- 1%
- Sample weight: 5-20 mg
- Purge gas: Nitrogen with flow rate 50 ml/min
Gel Permeation
- Model: Agilent 1100 series
- Molecular weight range: 500 to 1,000,000 Da
- Temperature range: Ambient to 85oC
- Mobile phase: Chloroform, Dimethylformamide

Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectrometer (FT-IR)
- Model: Nicolet 4700
- Wavelength range: 400 to 4000 cm-1
- Capable of measuring solid, liquid and gas samples
- Model: Agilent 8453
- Wavelength range: 190 to 1100 nm
- Slit width: 1nm
- Wavelength accuracy: < ± 0.5 nm
- Photometric accuracy: < ± 0.005A
- Typical scan time: 1.5 second
Pyrolysis Combustion Flow
- Model:
- Temperature: up to 900oC
- Heating rates: oC/min
- Purge gases: Nitrogen and oxygen (80:20 % by Vol.)