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The qualitative and quantitative detection of metal contaminants in soil and groundwater currently requires detailed sampling procedures followed by laborious and time consuming laboratory analysis. Technologies capable of detecting these chemicals on site are highly desirable. Using voltammetric sensors both qualitative analysis (identification of specific metals) and quantitative analysis (target ion concentration) are possible. Conducting polymers adsorbed on the electrode surface increases the scope of voltammetric analysis. The focus of this research project is to develop novel conducting polymer electrode surfaces that allow detection of metals at concentrations lower than the maximum contamination limits in water recommended by the EPA. These electrodes may be either highly selective to a particular metal ion or broadly selective. In this project we have,

  • Developed a prototype voltammetric sensor capable of detecting the presence of heavy metals in solution.
  • Investigated the role of functional dopants in the detection of heavy metals.
  • Synthesized novel monomers incorporating functional groups capable of metal ion chelation.