We are developing novel
silver conductive inks that do not contain any polymeric binders in the
formulation unlike commercially available silver conductive inks. Polymeric
binders in inks serve as a transport agent and also hold the silver flakes
together. Our formulation contains a silver organometallic salt which decomposes
at temperatures of 120 oC to give reactive silver which chemically
welds the silver flakes together. We also employ a unique solvent system which
acts as transport system for the inks and keeps the flakes uniformly dispersed
in the solution. The basic aims of our study is:
(1) To make high
conductive inks that can reach conductivity of at least one magnitude less than
that of silver ( 6.3 × 107 ) at low sintering temperatures of below
120 oC.
(2) To ensure that the ink
maintains a stable viscosity during printing process in roll to roll
coating/printing process.
The inks can be printed on
flexible substrates such as polyester films to form pin-hole free conductive
patterns. Applications of our inks can range from interconnects for solar cells,
LEDs and flexible RFID antennas