Biochemistry and Biophysics:
Single-molecule electrical measurements for biophysics and biosensing applications
The fundamental understanding of diverse processes in biology requires bridging the gaps between studies at different levels; organisms, tissues, cells, biomolecular complexes, and, ultimately, individual biomolecules. To this end, biophysical characterization studies require new experimental approaches leading to a complete quantitative picture containing various perspectives: spatial resolution at the nanoscale, thermodynamics, and kinetics of the processes. The field of single-molecule biophysics has experienced a boom in the last decades. Not only the developments in optical microscopy have allowed researchers to study biological details of fundamental processes with a high spatial and temporal resolution, but nanoscience tools such as Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM) have led to biophysical studies at the single-molecule level.
We use SPM and molecular electronics for the study of different biological systems. We are now further developing these methods to apply them to:
We are always happy to discuss and collaborate, and looking for motivated young scientists at the different levels; undergrad, graduate, postdoc