
Charlie Byrne was born in Massachusetts and went to high school and college in Washington, D.C. He has a B.S. (1968) from Georgetown University and an M.A. (1970) and Ph.D. (1972) from the University of Pittsburgh, all in mathematics. From 1972 until 1986 he was a member of the Mathematics Department at The Catholic University of America, serving as chairman from 1983 to 1986. Since 1986 he has been a member of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell
, serving as chairman from 1987 to 1990. He retired from UML in May of 2014.
His early research work was in functional analysis and topology. From 1981 to 1983 he was on leave-of-absence at the Division of Acoustics, Naval Research Laboratory, Wash. D.C., doing acoustic signal processing. His work on reconstruction from limited data led to a collaboration with Dr. Mike Fiddy, then of the University of London, on problems arising in optics. The photo above shows Charlie and Mike, with Mike's son Howard, at Charlie's Virginia home in 1983. In June of 1986 he was a consultant for the Australian Department of Defence in Adelaide. Since about 1990 he has been working with members of the Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester. His research interests these days include iterative reconstruction algorithms for medical imaging, particularly emission and transmission tomography, and more general iterative algorithms in optimization theory.
Email: Charles_Byrne@uml.edu
Vita: Byrne’s CV