to Gerontology 30.306 | ![]() |
3 Solomont Way Suite 2 |
Salem State College, Salem, MA |
BS |
1977 |
Nursing |
University of Lowell, Lowell, MA |
MS |
1978 |
Gerontological Nursing; GNP |
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA |
Ph.D. |
1990 |
Social Policy-Aging, Long-Term |
Care, Health Policy |
Academic Experience
1982-1985 University of Lowell, Graduate
Nursing Program, Instructor
1985-1991 University of Lowell, , Graduate
Nursing Program, Assistant Professor
1991-1993 University of Massachusetts
Lowell, Graduate Nursing Program, Associate Professor
1993-Present University of Massachusetts
Lowell, Graduate Nursing Program, Professor
2001, Fellow, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 2001, Distinguished Alumni Award, Massachusetts Bay Community College, Wellesley, MA, 1998, Francis Cabot Lowell Outstanding Alumni Award, College of Health Professions, University of Massachusetts Lowell, 2001-2006, Certification, ANCC Adult Nurse Practitioner, 2000-2002 President, Eta Omega chapter, 1998-2000, President-Elect, Eta Omega Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International; 1984-Present-Sigma Theta Tau International, Eta Omega Chapter, Induction, 1991-1993 Research Committee Chair, 1995 Chapter Delegate to Sigma Theta Tau International Convention; 1985-Selected one of “Ten Outstanding Young Leaders” by the Greater Boston Jaycees; 1986, 1990, 1993-Selected for inclusion in Who’s Who in American Nursing?; 1986-Selected for inclusion in Who’s Who in Gerontology?, by Gerontological Society of America; 1987-Selected as an “Outstanding Young Woman of American for 1987”; 1990-Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society; 1990-Nominated for 1990 Syntex Nurse Practitioner of the Year Award, under category of “Community Service/Outreach,” published in the Nurse Practitioner, l5(l2); 1990-Present-American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Member, 1994-Chair, Abstract Review Committee, 1993, 1995 Abstract Reviewer and Research Committee; 1992-Named to Distinguished Panel of Judges for the Greater Boston Jaycees, “Ten Outstanding Young Leaders Awards,” Boston, MA; 1993-Received Merrimack Valley Nursing Task Force, Eleventh Annual Outstanding Nurse Recognition Award; 1993-Received the American College of Health Care Administrators, Long-Term Care Research Award, at the Annual Convocation in Nashville, TN; 1996-National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, Abstract Reviewer for 1997 Conference; 1996-1999-Elected to Board of Directors, Alumni Association, University of Massachusetts Lowell; 1996-2001-Certification as an Adult Nurse Practitioner by American Nurses Credentialing Center; 1997-Nominated as an Alternate to the American Nurses Association, Congress on Nursing Economics, for the American Medical Association RUC (Relative Value Unit) Update Committee, by the Massachusetts Nurses Association; 1997-1998-Advisory Committee, to the National Citizens’ Coalition for Nursing Home Reform, Development Workshop on “Removing Barriers/Improving Care”; 1994-2000-Research Scholar, Center for Health Promotion, University of Massachusetts Lowell; 1996-Present-Manuscript reviewer for NPACE: International Journal of Clinical Excellence; 1999-Present, Review Panel member for the Journal of Gerontological Nursing
Futrell, M., and Melillo, K.D. (2002). Evidence-based protocol: Wandering. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 28(11), 14-22.
Futrell, M. & Melillo, K.D. (2002). Evidence-based protocol: Wandering. Iowa City, Iowa: The University of Iowa Gerontological Nursing Interventions Research Center, Research Dissemination Core.
Houde, S.C. & Melillo, K.D. (2002). Integrative review of the research literature: Cardiovascular health and physical activity in the older adult. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 38(3), 219-234
Melillo, K.D., Williamson, E., Houde, S., Futrell, M., Read, C.Y. & Campasano, M. (2001). Perceptions of older Latinos regarding physical fitness, physical activity, and exercise. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 27(9), 38-46
Reece, S.M., Pearce, C.W., Melillo, K.D. & Beaudry, M. (2001). The faculty portfolio: Documenting the scholarship of teaching. Journal of Professional Nursing, 17(4), 180-186.
Melillo, K.D., Williamson, E., Futrell, M., & Chamberlain, C. (1997). Development of a self-assessment tool to
measure physical fitness and exercise activity levels of older adults. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 24(6),
l220-l226. [Database]
K.D. & Dwyer, F.M. (1997).
Evaluation of an innovative model of academic and service
collaboration: Impact on gerontological
nursing education (Abstract).
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Conference Proceedings,
Boston, MA.
K.D. & Williamson, E. (1997).
Demographic predictors of physical fitness and exercise activity among
older adults (Abstract). Nurse
Practitioner Associates for Continuing Education, National Primary Care Conference
Proceedings, Boston, MA.
J.M., Parl., S.A., Bussgang, J.J. & Melillo, K.D. (1998). Providing universal location services using
a wireless E911 location network. IEEE Communications Magazine, 36(4),
K.D., (1998). Clostridium difficile in
older adults: What primary care
providers need to know. The Nurse
Practitioner: The American Journal of
Primary Health Care, 23(7), 25-45.
Melillo, K.D. (1998). Interpretation of laboratory values with older adults. In Luggen, A., Travis, S. & Meiner, S. (Eds.). NGNA Core curriculum for gerontological advanced practice nurses. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, p. 375-379.
Melillo, K.D. & Futrell, M. (1998).
Wandering and technology devices.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 24(8), 32-38.
K.D., Houde, S., Williamson, E. & Futrell, M. (2000). Perceptions of nurse practitioners regarding
their role in physical activity and exercise prescription for older adults. Clinical Excellence for Nurse
Practitioners: The International
Journal of NPACE, 4(2),
S. & Melillo, K.D. (2000).
Physical activity and exercise counseling in primary care. The Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Health Care,
K.D., Ussher, J., & Coppens, N.
(1991). Initiating a Gerontological
Nurse Practitioner practice in long-term chronic care. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse
Practitioners, 3(3), l33-l35.
K.D. (1991). Mnemonics: Use in gerontological nursing practice. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, l7(7),
Melillo, K.D. (1992).
The nurse practitioner role in long-term care: Perceptions of Directors of Nursing. Journal of Long Term Care Administration, 20(3),
l3-l7. [Database]
K.D. (1993). Utilizing nurse
practitioners to provide health care for elderly patients in Massachusetts
nursing homes. Journal of the
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 5(l), 19-26. [Database]
K.D. (1993). Interpretation of abnormal
laboratory values in older adults, Part II.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing, l9(2), 35-40.
K.D. (1993). Interpretation of abnormal
laboratory values in older adults, Part I.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 19(1), 39-45.
Melillo, K.D. (1993).
Interpretation of laboratory values in older adults. The Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Health Care,
l8(7), 59-67.
Melillo, K.D. (1994).
Preparing and presenting testimony:
Guidelines for the health care practitioner. The Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Health Care, 19(9), 59-64.
K.D. and Futrell, M. (1995). A guide
for assessing caregiver needs:
Determining a health history database for family caregivers. The Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Health Care,
20(5), 40-46.
K.D. (1995). Asymptomatic bacteriuria
in older adults: Screening, assessment
and treatment - When is it necessary?, The Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Health Care,
20(8), 50-66.
Melillo, K.D., Futrell, M., Williamson, E., Chamberlain, C., Bourque, A.M., MacDonnell, M. & Phaneuf, J. (1996). Perceptions of physical fitness and exercise activity among older adults. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23(3), 542-547. [Database]
Melillo, K.D. (1996). Medicare and Medicaid: Similarities and differences. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 22(5), l2-21.
2002, Principal Investigator, grant from the Committee on Industrial Theory and
Assessment, University of Massachusetts Lowell, to fund a major scholarly
program in geropsychiatric nursing to launch proposed Post-Baccalaureate
Certificate in Geropsychiatric/Mental Health Nursing and to provide faculty
consultation in the development, marketing, and evaluation of new program
offerings in geropsychiatric mental health nursing, funded $650
2000-2005, Co-Investigator, with Dr. Craig Slatin, PI, on NIH, NIOSH-funded study, "Health Disparities Among Healthcare Workers," $3,055,415.
University Co-Investigator, with Dr. Jay Weitzen, PI, NIH, Small Business
Technology Transfer, Phase II, for the study, “Low Cost Patient Locator System
for Geriatric Wandering,” $l49,946.
Principal Investigator, with Drs. E. Williamson, S. Houde, and M. Futrell,
In-House Research Foundation Seed Grant in the amount of $2,500 and
University of Massachusetts Lowell Innovation Enhancement Program $l0,000
Research Assistant Support, Center for Health Promotion, for the study, “Health
Promotion Intervention – Strategy for Older Latinos”
Principal Investigator, Eta Omega Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International,
Research Award, with Dr. E. Williamson, for the study, “Spanish Translation and Pilot Testing of the Physical Fitness and
Exercise Activity of Older Adults Scale,” (Melillo, et al., 1997), in the
amount of $500.
in 1999 $555, 1998 $365 & 1995 $764 from Office of the
Provost for Academic Affairs, University of Massachusetts Lowell for
publication costs.
University Co-Investigator, NIH, NIA, Phase II, Small Business Technology
Transfer Program, for the study, “Low Cost Patient Locator System for Geriatric
Wandering,” in the amount of $686,462, to Dr. Steen Parl, Principal Investigator, Signatron
Technology Corporation, Concord, MA
1996-1997, Principal Investigator, with Drs. May Futrell and Jay Weitzen, on Greater Lowell Alzheimer’s Association-funded study, “Wandering: Survey of Formal Care Providers and Informal Caregivers on the Use of a Low- Cost Patient Locator Unit” $1,003; 1996-1997, Principal Investigator, with Dr. May Futrell, on Eta Omega Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau-funded study $700.
Principal Investigator, Faculty Development seed Grant, University of
Massachusetts Lowell, Faculty Teaching Center to pursue final publication costs
and purchase a Welch-Allyn screening audiometric otoscope, $1,000.
Principal Investigator, Teaching and Learning Seed Grant, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Faculty Teaching
Center, for the study, “Evaluation of an Innovative Model of Academic and
Service Collaboration: Impact on Gerontological Nursing Education,” with
Co-Investigator, Dr. Frances Medaglia Dwyer, $750.
Received a $3,000 Chancellor’s Grant to pursue research study, “A Self-
Assessment tool to measure older adults’ perceptions regarding physical fitness
and exercise activity,” with expansion of sample to include known-groups for
criterion-related validity, and to pursue with Dr. Susan Reece an innovative
clinical grant for graduate nurse practitioner students.
Advisor to National Institute on Aging, SBIR-funded, Phase I Research
Plan entitled, "Low Cost Patient Locator System for Geriatric
Wandering," Dr. Steen A. Parl, Principal Investigator, Signatron
Technology Corporation, and Dr. Jay Weitzen, Electrical Engineering, University
of Massachusetts Lowell, and Dr. Stan Cath, Psychiatrist, Private Practice,
ll/l/94 to 7/31/95, $4,077.
Principal Investigator, Eta Omega Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau
International, Research Award for Phase II of the study, "Development of a
Self-Assessment Tool to Measure Physical Fitness and Exercise Activity Levels
of Older Adults," with Co-Investigators Drs. Eileen Williamson and May
Futrell, and Prof. Claire Chamberlain, October 1994, $700.
Principal Investigator, Eta Omega Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International, "Development of a
Self-Assessment Tool to Measure Physical Fitness and Exercise Activity Levels
of Community-Dwelling Older Adults," Research Award for Phase I of the
study, October, 1993, $l,000; Received College of Health Professions,
Dean's Nursing Research Award, February 1, 1993, $500. 1994, Received funding from contribution of
Dr. Elin J. Stene, UML '26 Alumnus, for assistance with Phase I of the study, $250.
Co-Investigator, "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a
Culturally-Sensitive Educational Program on the Community-Based Long-Term Care
Utilization of Older Hispanics in Northeast Massachusetts," received
College of Health Professions, Dean's
Nursing Research Award, February 1, 1993, Dr. Eileen Williamson,
Principal Investigator, $500.
Principal Investigator, Received Eta Omega Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau
International, Research Award, for the study, "Evaluation of the Effects
of Alzheimer Support Groups in Assisting Caregivers to Cope," $600.
Co-Principal Investigator, "Caregiving Responsibilities for Elderly
Individuals Rendered by University Employees," Funded by the University of Massachusetts Lowell, College of
Health Professions, Dean's Office, $500.
Principal Investigator, "Evaluation of the Nursing Process and
Outcomes of Care Utilizing Nurse Practitioners to Provide Health Care for
Elderly Patients in Massachusetts Nursing Homes," Doctoral Dissertation
research; awarded Post-Baccalaureate Nursing Faculty Research Fellowship Grant
by U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, Public Health Service.
Funded $5,093.
Principal Investigator, "Evaluation of the Nursing Process and
Outcomes of Care Utilizing Nurse Practitioners to Provide Health Care for
Elderly Patients in Massachusetts Nursing Homes." Funded by an Eta Omega Chapter, Sigma Theta
Tau International, Research Award, $750.
1986-1987, Co-Principal Investigator, "Utilization of the Gerontological Nurse Practitioner in a Long-Term Chronic Care Setting," Grant Writer and Co-Project Director; Funded by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration Grant, $60,000.
© 2000 University of Massachusetts Lowell, Class Connections |
Graphics & Design by: Thomas Pimental & Michelle Christman In Association with: CLASS Connections University of Massachusetts Lowell |