Writings and resources on Kerouac and other Beats >
Selections from the web
Kurt Hemmer, "Rucksacks
in the Classroom: Teaching Kerouac in the Twenty-First
Century," Washington State University.
Kurt Hemmer, "Barbarians
at the Gates: Recent Beat Scholarship," Harper
Oliver Harris, "Cold
War Correspondents: Ginsberg, Kerouac, Cassady,
and the Political Economy of Beat Letters," Twentieth Century Literature, Summer 2000.
Bent Sorenson, "An
On & Off Beat: Kerouac's Beat Etymologies,"
Philament: An Online Journal of Arts & Culture
Wechlser, "The
Age of Unthink," Chapter One, Reflections of an Angry Middle-Aged Editor
(New York: Random House, 1960),
available at the Center for Programs in
Contemporary Writing, University of Pennsylvania.
James Eimont, "The
Scroll of Jack Kerouac, Literary Traveller.
Articles on
Kerouac on Helium (User-created reference resource)
Inventory of the Beats
Collection: Edie Parker and Henri Cru Papers,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Stein, "Women
of the Beat Generation," California Writer,
January 16, 2006.
Benson, "Clash
over Kerouac," San Francisco Chronicle,
July 12, 2007.
Raskin, "Kings
of the Road," The Nation, July 12, 2007.
If you
have links to stable, useful, and publicly
accessible Internet resources on Kerouac,
please send URL's to Digital Beats: Jack Kerouac.
Also see
on paper :
an Underwood by Jack Kerouac, edited by Paul Marion
Press, 1999 and Penguin, 2000).
Soon to be
On the Road
at 50. Edited by Robert Holton and
Hillary Holladay. Forthcoming from Southern
Illinois University Press, 2007.
More to come
in June '07...please check back for updates.