Advanced Electronic Technology Center We believe in Converting Dreams to Reality
16.333 - Chemistry and Engineering of Electronic Materials
Instructor: Prof. S. Mil’shtein
Textbook: W. Callister, “Fundamentals of Materials Science for Electrical Engineers” 1st Edition by S. Mil’shtein; Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2012.
Additional Information:
S. Mil’shtein, Copies of some lectures (Handouts)
PREREQ: Calc. II (92.132); Phys. II (95.144), and Circuit. II (16.202)
COREQ: Electronics I (16.365)
OVERVIEW: This course is focused on description of electronic materials, their properties and fabrication. The production and processing of materials into finished goods constitutes a large part of the present economy. Preparing students for intelligent use of a variety of traditional and new materials, this course will cover: atomic structure and chemical bonding; crystal geometry and defects; mechanical properties and phase diagrams of metals and alloys; electrical and optical properties of semiconductors and other electronic materials.
COURSE RULES AND GRADING:Attendance at class is required except in emergencies. Attendance at all hour exams and the final exam is mandatory, except in emergencies with prior approval of instructor, or in case of dire emergencies vouched for by evidence presented to the Dean of Students. Students are responsible for all material covered in class, as well as reading material from the text or handouts. The final grade will be based 15% on quizzes, 15% each on the three-hour exams, and 40% on the final exam. Bring pencils, erasers, a straight-edge, and calculator to exams. Late homework may be marked down at the grader’s discretion. Homework must be neatly printed on one side of standard-size paper, with answers in blocks and sheets stapled; otherwise it may not be graded. Failure to comply with pre- and corequisite requirements will result in no credit earned for the course.
Topics will be discussed according to the following outline:
Class # |
Date |
HW scheduled |
Reading Asst. |
Subject matter |
12 |
W3SF5S |
1.1-1.72.1-2.2 |
Materials Quantum&Optoelectr.Nanotechnol.Atomic structure. |
345 |
M8SW10SF12S |
Quiz -1 |
2.3-2.42.5-2.83.1-3.9 |
Quantum numbers, Periodic table.Atomic bonding in solids.Crystal structures, Unit cells. |
678 |
M15SW17SF19S |
Quiz -2 |
3.10-3.205.1-5.65.7-5.10 |
Crystallographic directions and distances.Point defects and impurities.Dislocations. Polycristals |
91011 |
M22SW24SF26S |
Quiz -3 |
5.11-5.126.1-6.56.6 |
Two-dimensional defects. Microscopy.Diffusion in solids. Technology applicationsEnd Chap. 6; Review of Chaps. 1—3; 5. |
F26S HOUR EXAM NO.1 –ROOM TBA, 3:45—5.15PM |
121314 |
M29SW1OF3O |
Quiz -4 |
10.1-10.410.5-10.710.8 |
Binary alloys. Phase equilibrium.Phase Diagrams.Interpretation of phase diagrams |
151617 |
M6OW8OF10O |
Quiz -5 |
7.1-7.97.1-7.97.13-7.16 |
Metal processing.Elastic and plastic deformation.Slip planes. Review of metals. |
----1819 |
M13OW15OF17O |
8.1-8.6HanoutsHanouts |
Columbus day. University closedHardening. Enhanced strengthElectronic applications of ceramics. |
202122 |
M20OW22OF24O |
Quiz -6 |
Handouts4.1-4.74.8 |
Glasses. Protection of chips.Conducting polymer structures & processing.Review of Chaps. 4, 6,7,8,10 |
F24O HOUR EXAM NO.2 –ROOM TBA, 3:45—5.15PM |
232425 |
M27OW29OF31O |
Quiz -7 |
4.9-4.1012.1-12.312.4 |
Polymer flat displays.Semiconductor materials.Electrical conductivity of semiconductors |
262728 |
Quiz -8 |
12.5-12.612.7-12.126.6 |
Energy diagrams.Temperature effects in semiconductors.Doping of semiconductors. |
293031 |
M10NW12NF14N |
HandoutsHandouts |
Crystal growthQuantum effects in semiconductor materials.Hall effect. Semiconductor Devices. |
323334 |
M17NW19NF21N |
Quiz 9 |
12.14-2.1512.1712.2519.1-19.5 |
Hall effect. Semiconductor DevicesFerro and piezo electrical effects.Basics of optoelectronic and photonic materials. |
F21N HOUR EXAM NO.3 -- ROOM TBA, 3:45--5115PM. |
35-------- |
M24NW26NF28N |
19.6-19.1019.6-19.10 |
Absorption and reflection of light.Thursday classes schedule.Thanksgiving |
363738 |
19.11-9.1219.1319.14. |
Photoconductivity. Luminescence.Lasers, detectors.Fiber communication. |
39 |
M8D |
18.12 |
Superconductors. Solar cells.Review of Chaps. 6 ; 12;18;19 |
Fri.. 12D (TENTATIVE)- FINAL EXAM – ROOM TBA, 11:30 AM – 3:30 P.M. |
Oct. 13, Columbus Day; Nov. 11, Veterans Day; Nov.27-28, Thanksgiving-- No School