Advanced Electronic Technology Center We believe in Converting Dreams to Reality
Welcome to the AETC Seminar webpage. Here you will find abstracts of all seminar starting with the very recent semesters. We do not keep seminar record for more than 5-6 years.
These seminars are about the novel research done by current and past students of AETC. If you find a particular topic of interest, then just click on its name to get more information about it. Keep checking back often to get details of new topics that are going to be presented in the current semester.
From Spring-2013 AETC seminar was extended to be the ECE Dept. graduate seminar. This will allow larger number of graduate students to attend. We will continue to keep record of these seminars on the AETC website.
** We have video recorded of the semnar. For downloading the video- Right click on video, Select save link As/save target as and save it.
Spring 2016
1. Introduction to Silvaco TCAD - Steve Broadbent, Senior TCAD Application Engineer; Garret Schlenvogt, Ph.D, TCAD Application Engineer - Video
2. Si/Ge Technology for Wireless Communications - Mr. Anthony F. Quaglietta, Senior Design Manager at Skyworks Solutions Co. - Video
Fall 2015
1. Future of Solar Electric Transportation - Sam Mil'shtein, Prof. ECE Dept., UMass Lowell - Video
2. Magnetic Gears - Prof. Siavash Pakdelian, ECE Dept. UMass Lowell - Video
3. Exascale Resilience and Trust by Machine Learning - Prof. Seung Woo Son, ECE Dept. UMass Lowell - Video
4. Cloaking Properties of a Metamaterial-Coated Conductor with an Air Gap - Ph.D student Adnan G. Jamil, ECE Dept. UMass Lowell - Video
5. Polymeric Materials for Emerging Applications - Assoc. Prof. Daniel Schmidt, Plastics Engineering, UMass Lowell - Video
Spring 2015
1. Residential Solar Electric and Zero-Energy Systems - Thomas Sikina, Principal Engineer Fellow,Raytheon Co -Video
2. Fundamentals of Optical Lithography - James Tajadod, Senior Principal Engineer, M/A-Com Technology Solutions -Video
3. Electron Beam Lithography - Gabriel Cueva, Senior Principal Integration Engineer, M/A-Com Technology Solutions -Video
4. Compressed Sensing in Computed Tomography - Prof. H. Yu, ECE Dept., UMASS LOWELL -Video
5. Advances in Phased Array Systems - Thomas Sikina, Principal Engineer Fellow,Raytheon Co -Video
6. Cloud Computing: OpenStack in the Classroom - Armith Kumar, Founder and CTO, Tesora -Video
Fall 2014
1. Development of Microwave and Millimeter Wave Imaging Technologies -Prof.Alex A.Vertiy, Department of Radioelectronics, EuroAsian University, Astana, Kazakhstan.
2. Graded SiGe HBT with Quantum Barrier in the Base -Samed Halilov, ECE Department, UMass Lowell.
3. High Level Programming of FPGAs for HPC and Data Centric Applications Using OpenCL -Oren Segal, ECE Department, UMass Lowell. -Video
4. Optical Manycast Communication Networks -Jeremy M. Plante, ECE Department, UMass Lowell. -Video
5. MIMO System Capacity: Theory and Practice -Dr.Hakan Inanoglu, Principal Engineer, QUALCOMM inc., USA
6. Design For Quality/Reliability- a Disciplined Approach -Peter Ersland, Reliability Manager, M/A-COM Technology Solutions -Video
7. Opportunities and Challenges of Modernizing the Grid -Jorge Valenzuela, Senior Engineer, National Grid. - Video
Spring 2014
1. Atomic Layer Deposition at ETIC Nano Fabrication Laboratory of UMass Lowell -Mr. T. Ferraguto, UMass, Lowell. - Video
2. More than Moore: III - V Devices and Si CMOS Get It Together -Dr. T. Kazior, Raytheon Integrated Defence Systems. - Video
3.The Energy Consumption and Environmental Impact of High-Speed Data Networks -Mr. Thilo Schöndienst, UMass, Lowell. - Video
4. Multi-Tansceiver Radios: Enablers for Dense, High Capacity Wireless Mobile Ad-hoc Networks -Dr. J-P Lanteri, Cobham Defense
Electronics. - Video
5. Impairement-aware RWA in Translucent Optical Networks -Prof. S. Subramaniam, George Washington University, Washington, DC - Video
6. Advances in Phased Array Systems -Thomas Sikina, Principal Engineering Fellow,Raytheon Co. - Video
7. Metamaterials Based Infrared Absorbers -Dr.Hamzeh M. Jaradat, ECE Dept. UMass, Lowell.
Fall 2013
1. Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscopy -Mr. C. Santeufemio, Materials Research Center, UMass, Lowell. - Video
2. Design of Highly Linear Switches for Telecommunication -Mr. C. Liessner, ECE dapartment, UMass, Lowell. - Video
3. Quantum Dot Infrared Sensing and Imaging for Surface Plasmonic Enhancement Technology -Dr. Xuejun Lu, Professor, ECE dapartment, UMass, Lowell. - Video
4. Achievement, Breakthroughs and Future Trends in Phased Arrays and Radars -Dr. Eli Brookner, Raytheon - Video
5. Big Data Challenges in Petascale High-Performance Computing Simulations - Dr. Robert Fisher, Physics Department, Umass Dartmouth - Video
6. Opportunities for Innovation in Mobile Power Management - Dr. Brett Miwa, Maxim Co. - Video
Spring 2013
1. Novel Applications of Molecular Spectroscopy to Heritage and Biomedical Fields of Study -Dr. T. J Tague Jr, Applications Manager, Bruker Optics, Inc.
2. Modeling and Simulation in Electromagnetic Engineering -Dr. Levent Sevgi, Professor (IEEE fellow), ECE department, Umass Lowell - Video
3. Robust, Secure and Effective Communications in VANETs and Its Applications -Dr. Tricia Chigan, Associate Professor, ECE department, Umass Lowell - Video
4. Dual Use Product and Technology Development at M/A-COM Technology Solutions -Dr. B. Rizzi, Director Design Engineering, M/A-COM Technology Solutions - Video
5. Design of High Efficient, Low Cost Solar Cells -Shiv Sharma, ECE Dept., Advanced Electronic Technology Center - Video
6. Beyond Graphene: Synthesis of Single Layer Graphitic Carbon Nitride - A Carbon Nitrogen Alloy System -Prof. Joel Therrien, ECE Dept., Umass Lowell - Video
Fall 2012
1. Development of Microwave and Millimeter Wave (Terahertz) Imaging Technologies-Prof. A Veritiy-TUBITAK Marmara Center, Turkey
2. Perspectives of Solar Cell Technology and Progress of Integration with Power Grid Systems-J. Valuenzela
3. VITAL Built-in Self-Test-Dr. Kemal Kulovic
4. Can Contactless Fingerprints be compared to Existing Database?-Anup Pillai
5.Design of Miniaturized Fingerprinting System and Comparison of Contactless Fingerprints to Existing Database-Anup Pillai-Ph.D. Thesis Defense
6. Pathway to ultra-efficient Photovoltaics : multijunction devices incorporating aperiodic dilute nitride quantum wells-Prof. A. Freundlich-University of Houston
7. Panel Based Phased Array Radar-D. Carlson-M/A-COM Technology Solutions
Spring 2012
1. Evaluating FPGA-acceleration for Real-time Unstructured Search-Sai Rahul
2. Practical Aspects of RF Power Amplifier Development-S. Munro, RFMD
3. Atomic Clocks-C. Leissner, Symmetricom
4. Ensuring Quality and Reliability of Compound Semiconductor Microelectronic Products-P. Ersland, M/A-COM Technology Solutions
5. Big Solid State Radars-C. McCarroll, Raytheon
6. Design of Novel SiC MESFET-L.Devarankonda
7. Compatibility of Contact-Less Fingerprints with Existing Law Enforcement Database-Anup Pillai (Ph.D. Thesis Proposal)
Fall 2011
1. Novel Designs of Efficient Solar Cells-Dr. John Palma
2. Regulating the Temperature of Solar Cells by Quantizing High Energy Electrons-L. Devarakonda
3. Enhancement of Infra-Red Images of Human Hand-A. Pillai
4. GaN HEMT Operating at High Voltages-T. Boles, M/A- COM Technology Solutions
5. Time and Area Efficient Built-In Direct and Indirect Jitter and Phase Noise Measurement Techniques for Frequency Synthesizers-O. Kubilay
6. Graphene Nanoelectronics - Fundamentals-D.Sedaat
7. High Performance Mixed Signal and RF Circuits Enabled by the Heterogeneous Integration of GaN HEMTs and Si CMOS on a Silicon Substrate-Dr. T.E. Kazior, Raytheon
For previous semester's seminars, please click here