Advanced Electronic Technology Center We believe in Converting Dreams to Reality
Course No: 16.410
Title: Introduction to Biometric Technologies
Instructor: Anup Pillai
Textbook and Reference Materials:
a) Biometrics: From Fiction to Practice Pan Stanford Publishing ISBN 9789814310888, 2012
b) Class notes (Image Processing Part)
c) MATLAB web repository (Image Processing Part)-Prior knowledge of MATLAB is not required
Pre-Requisites: None
Course Description:
Recognition of individuals based on physiological characteristics, such as the face, the iris or fingerprint, and behavioural traits, such as gait, is a promising research domain. Biometric algorithms allow for the recognition of individuals in physical or logical access control systems and thus provide an efficient and convenient alternative to knowledge-based or token-based security systems. The course covers the most important modalities in today's biometric systems: fingerprint recognition, face recognition, and iris recognition. The course includes background theory, multibiometrics, and evaluation schemes for biometric systems. It will also address algorithms that are used in biometric template matching.
To register for the course, please contact the Instructor for a permission number and then fill out this form and submit it to Southwick 202.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to understand:
1) The need for biometric technology in contemporary society.
2) The basic terminology used in the biometric field.
3) The design and workings of a generic biometric system.
4) The performance metrics used to evaluate a biometric system.
5) The role of biometric fusion to enhance system performance.
6) Develop image processing algorithms for biometric systems
Grading policy:
Quiz-I 20%
Quiz-II 20%
Quiz-III 20%
Final Exam 40%