Advanced Electronic Technology Center We believe in Converting Dreams to Reality
Course No: 16.595
Title: Solid State Electronics
Instructor: Professor Sam Mil'shtein.
Course policy: prereq. 16.365, 16.366; 16.470, 16.523 or perm. of instructor.
Grading policy: quizzes in class and homeworks - 25%, mid-term (open text-book) - 35%, presentation of a design project (final exam) - 40%.
1. D. Niemen, Semiconductor Physics and Devices, (4th Edition), Irwin, 2011.
a). Lecture notes.
b) J. Singh, Semiconductor Devices: An Introduction, McGraw Hill, 1994
Limits of microminiaturization. Metal semiconductor interface in Schottky diodes. Work function and processing of surface. Abrupt and graded p-n junctions. Diffusion and diode theory of rectifiers. Heterojunctions. Bipolar transistors. MESFETs and HEMTs. High speed devices: ballistic and single electron transistors, transistor with tailored field. Quantum well and quantum dot devices. Photo detectors. Light emitting diodes. Lasers. Hot electron emitters. Flat panels. Topics will be discussed according to the following outline:
I. Physical Limits of Microminiaturization (3 hours)
1. Advantage of Integration.
2. Nano-fabrication.
3, Monolithic Device Elements.
II. Metal Semiconductor Junctions (3 hours)
1. Space Charge at the junction and thermionic emittion.
2. Forward and Reverse Bias.
3. Zener and Avalanche Breakdown.
III. P-n Junction Diodes (3 hours)
1. Rectifiers and Varactors.
2. Tunnel Diodes.
3. Photo-detectors and Solar Cells.
IV. Bipolar Junction Transistors (6 hours)
1. Charge Transport.
2. Switching.
3. Amplification.
V. Field-Effect Transistors (6 hours)
1. Junction FET and MESFET.
2. Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor FETs.
Vl. Quantum electronics (6 hours)
1. Resonant tunneling diodes
1. HEMTs and Spintronic transistors.
2. Quantum vire and quantum dot devices.
Vll. Light Emitting Devices (6 hours)
1. Light-Emitting Diodes.
2. C-3 Laser.