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Anup Pillai
Anup Pillai is a graduate student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at UMass Lowell. He is majoring in Solid State electronics and Biometrics specialization. He has been in the AETC team as a graduate research assistant for over four years and his research is mainly focused on fingerprinting as well Near Infrared Imaging. His hobbies include ripping apart a computer,gaming, reading etc.
408 Advanced Electronic Technology Center
University of Massachusetts Lowell
1 University Ave, Lowell, MA 01854
Phone- Office 978-934-3827E-mail: Anup Pillai
B.E (Electronics and telecommunication Engineering), University of Mumbai 2005
M.S Electrical Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Lowell: 2008
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, UMass Lowell:2012
Line Scanner for Biometric applications.
Infrared scanner for medical imaging.
Recognition Algorithms for partial and full fingerprints.
1) A. Pillai et. all, “Applications of Contactless fingerprinting”, Biometrics, Intech, ISBN 978-953-307-219-7, 2011JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS:
1) A. Pillai, S. Mil’shtein, “Enhancement of Infra-Red Images of Human Hand”, American Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 1(1), pp 59-61, 2011
2) S. Mil'shtein, V. O. Kunnil, C. McPherson, A. Pillai, “Handheld Imaging System for Contactless Tri-Modal Biometric Identification”, American Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 1 (2), pp 68-71, 2011CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS:
1) V. O. Kunnil, A. Pillai and S. Mil’shtein, “Biometrics Assisted Secure Network Transactions”, Proc. of IEEE HST, pp 69-74, 2011
2) A. Pillai, M. Baier, S. Mil’shtein, “Algorithms for Binarizing, Aligning and Recognition of Fingerprints”, Proc. of VISAPP 2011, Portugal, pp 426-432, 2011
3) S. Mil’shtein, A. Pillai, D. Nair, A. Karumuri, “Hetero-structure p-i-n Solar Cell with High Efficiency”, To appear Proc. of LDSD 2011, May 2011
4) R. Kwende, A. Pillai, S. Mil’shtein, “Hetero-structure p-i-n-i-p Solar Cell with Virtual Collector”, To appear Proc. of LDSD 2011, May 2011
5) S. Mil’shtein, S. Wilson, A. Pillai, “Selective Photodetector with Resonant Tunneling”, To appear Proc. of LDSD 2011, May 2011
6) A. Pillai, S. Mil’shtein, M .Baier, “Processing and Recognition of fingerprints”, Proc. of 7th International School on Biometrics, Sardinia, Italy 2010
7) S. Mil’shtein, J. Palma, C. Liessner, M. Baier, A. Pillai, and A.Shendye, "Line Scanner for Biometric Applications" IEEE Intern. Conf. on Technologies for Homeland Security, ISBN 978-1-4244-1978-4, pp 205-208, 2008.
8) S. Mil’shtein, A. Pillai, A. Shendye, C. Liessner, and M. Baier, "Recognition Algorithm for Partial and Full Fingerprint" IEEE Intern. Conf. on Technologies for Homeland Security, ISBN 978-1-4244-1978-4 pp. 449-452, 2008.
9) A. Shendye, A.Pillai and S. Mil’shtein, “Near Infrared Photodetector with Uniform Response for Medical Applications”, Intern. Conf. Phys. Semicond., ICPS-29, pp 567-570, 2008.
10) A. Shendye, A. Pillai, S. Mil’shtein, “Photodetector with Uniform Response in 620 nm to 870 nm Range”, Inter. Semicon. Device Research Symp., ISBN: 978-1-4244-1892-3, 2007INVENTION DISCLOSURES:
1) A. Pillai, et. all, “Circumferential Contact-Less Line Scanning of Biometric Objects” United States Patent Application # 12/441935, 2009
2) S. Mil’shtein, V.O.Kunnil, A. Pillai, “Biometrics Assisted Secure Network Transactions”, Patent Application, 2011
3) S. Mil’shtein, A. Pillai, “Hetero-structure p-i-n Solar Cell with High Efficiency”, Patent Application, 2011
4) S. Mil’shtein, C. McPherson, A. Pillai, “3-D contactless imaging system”, Patent Application, 2011
5) S. Mil’shtein, V. O. Kunnil, A. Rosenthal, A. Pillai, N. Conway, “Hand-held Contactless Fingerprint system for Tri-modal Identification”, Patent Application, 2011NON-REFEREED PUBLICATIONS:
1) S. Mil’shtein, A. Pillai, J. Palma, C.Liessner and M. Baier, “Line Scanner for Biometric Applications”, IEEE Homeland Security Confer., May 17, 2007
2) Anup Pillai, “Line Scanner for Biometric Applications”, Ann. UMass Res. Confer, p .72, 2007
3) S. Mil’shtein, A. Pillai, S. Wright, “Converting old Laptop Screens into Decorative and Information Display Devices”, 20th TURI symposium, 2009.
4) A. Pillai, S. Wright, S. Wilson, “Upcycling of old Laptop Screens into Useful Products”, NCIIA Venture Well East, Boston, 2010
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Tel:- 978-934-3310, 978-934-3827, 978-934-2986
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