Advanced Electronic Technology Center We believe in Converting Dreams to Reality
dr. S. Mil'shtein
Ph.D. -Rachah Institute of Physics of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1975
M.Sc. -State University of Odessa (USSR), 1963.
1990-Present: Director of the Advanced Electronic Technology Center, UMass, Lowell, MA.
1987-Present: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, UMass, Lowell, MA.
1998-1999: Assistant to the Dean of Engineering for Research, UMass, Lowell, MA
1985-1991: Adjunct Professor, Department of Physics, UMass, Boston, MA.
1984-1986: Senior research scientist, Solid State Science Group, Cabot Corp., Billerica, MA.
1982-1984: Scientific Consultant to European Research office of U. S. Army under contract with U. S. Army Electronic Devices Laboratories.
1982-1983: Visiting Scientist, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.
1980-1982: President of Advanced Technology Ltd. (and faculty of Physics Depart., Ben-Gurion University)
1981-1982: Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Associate Professor) at Physics Department of Ben Gurion University. Head of Semiconductor Physics Group (Beer-Sheva, Israel).
1976-1980: Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor) at Physics Department of Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
1974-1976: Researcher at Rachah Institute of Physics of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. (Israel).
1966-1973: Member of research staff at the Institute of Solid State Physics, Academy of Science, USSR.
1964-1966: Research Fellow at the Institute of Marine Engineers, Odessa, USSR.
1963-1964: Professor, College of Technology (Cherson, USSR).
Honours and Awards
Prof. S. Mil'shtein was elected to be a Member (Academician) of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2015.
First prize of ISSP Academy of Science of USSR or scientific achievements (1971 - Academy of Science of USSR.
For many years member of Advisory Board of Nashoba Hight Technical School, Westford MA.
For last 3 years:
Served as a member of organizing committee of Internation IEEE Technology for Homeland Security Congerence - 2017, April 2017, Waltham, MA
Serve as member of organizing committee of IEEE International MWCAS Conference, August 2017 in Boston, MA.
Serve on International committee of Quantum Electronics Conference on Low Dimensional Systems and Devices LDSD-2016, August 2016 in Cancun Mexico.
Sere as a member of oranizing committee of 5th NASA International Conference on Energy in Space in Autust 2016 in Kazakhstan.
Congress Chair for the World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Science (EECSS'2015), Barcelona, Spain.
Serve as a member of organizing committee of IV Intern NASA Conference on Nanotechnology, Energy and Space in September 2015 in San Antonio, TX.
Plenary speaker on "Future of electric/solar transportation" at international Forum of G-200 Countries on Economy and Energy (May 2015), Astana, KZ
Scientific and Professional Organization Memberships
IEEE, MRS, Electron Microscopy Society and Member of National Board on Undergraduate Education.
Service Activities
Assistant to the Dean for Research (1999-2000)
Coordinator of Young Engineers Academy (1987-present)
Member of National Council for Under-graduate Studies (1996-present)
Member of Advisory Board of Nashoba High Technical School, Westford MA (2010 –present)
Professional Activities (recent)
Prof. Sam Mil’shtein appointed to serve as member of steering committee of IEEE International Conference on Homeland Security Technologies, Waltham, MA, April 2017.
Prof. Sam Mil’shtein appointed to serve as member of organizing committee of 5th NASA International Conference on Energy in Space, in in Kazakhstan, May 2017.
Prof. Sam Mil’shtein was elected to serve on organizing committee of 60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS-2017, which will be held in Boston, at Tufts University on August 6 -9, 2017.
Prof. Sam Mil’shtein served in organizing committee of VIII Intern Conference on Quantum Electronics, LDSD-2016, Cancun, Mexico, August 2016.
Prof. Sam Mil’shtein was Invited speaker on “Future of electric/solar transportation” at international G-200 Forum on Economy and Energy, May 2015.
Prof. Sam Mil’shtein served as Congress Chair for The World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Science (EECSS'15) in Barcelona, Spain, July 2015.
Prof. Sam Mil’shtein was invited keynote speaker at 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems, Barcelona, Spain July 2015.
Reviewer for journals:
IEE Electron Devices,
IEEE Electron Device Lett,
Electronic Technology,