Advanced Electronic Technology Center We believe in Converting Dreams to Reality
Ojas Gandhi is a graduate student in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at UMass Lowell. He has recently joined the AETC team as a graduate research assistant and is specializing in Solid State electronics, Nano/Microelectomechanical system and VLSI Design. He completed his B.E. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. His current research focuses mainly on High Electron Mobility Transistor Design as well (NIR) Near Infrared Imaging. His hobbies include Cricket, Video Games and Reading.
408 Advanced Electronic Technology Center
University of Massachusetts Lowell
1 University Ave, Lowell, MA 01854
Phone- Office 978-934-3827E-mail: Ojas Gandhi
B.E Electronics and telecommunication Engineering, North Maharashtra University, India: 2011
M.S Electrical Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Lowell: Expected 2014
InAs and Antimonide (-sb) based High Electron Mobility transistor (HEMT) Design
Infrared scanner for medical imaging.
1 University Ave, Lowell MA -01854
Tel:- 978-934-3310, 978-934-3827, 978-934-2986
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