Advanced Electronic Technology Center We believe in Converting Dreams to Reality
Samed Maltabas
Samed MALTABAS is a graduate student in the Electrical Engineering Department at UMass Lowell. He has been on the AETC team as a graduate research assistant since the fall of 2008 and working with Prof. Martin Margala. His research also involves high speed (tHz) transistors, reliability of PLLs and Threshold Logic Implementations.
E-mail: Samed Maltabas
Ph.D. Candidate Electrical Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Jan 09-Present)
B.S. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey 2008
1. O.K. Ekekon, S. Maltabas, M. Margala, “A multi-GHz PLL Built-In Jitter Extraction Circuit for Deep Submicron Technologies” In the European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), August 2011, Linkoping, Sweden.
2. O.K. Ekekon, S. Maltabas, M. Margala, U. Cilingiroglu, “Power Minimization Methodology for VcTL Topologies” In the IEEE System on Chip Conference (SOCC), Sep. 2010, Las Vegas.
3. S. Mil'shtein, S. Maltabas, O.K. Ekekon, “Ballistic Silicon Diode with Filament Control” In the International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS), July 2010, Seoul, South Korea.
4. O.K. Ekekon, S. Maltabas, M. Margala, “Novel Programmable Built-In Current Sensor for Analog, Digital and Mixed-Signal Circuits” In the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pages. 3545-3548, May 2010, Paris, France.
5. S. Maltabas, O.K. Ekekon, M. Margala, “A New Built-In IDDQ Testing Method Using Programmable BICS” In the IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS), May 2010, Prague, Czech Republic.
6. S. Maltabas, M. Margala, U. Cilingiroglu, "Varicap Threshold Logic" In the Proceedings of IEEE/ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), pages 239-244, May 2009, Boston, MA.
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