Dan Wasserman

| Department of Physics and Applied Physics




Lecture 0 Read by 1st Class Trig. Review, Coordinate systems, Functions, Derivatives, Integrals, Differential Equations
Lecture 1 9/1/10 Course organization, Chapter 1: 1-7
Lecture 2 9/8/10 Velocity, Acceleration, freely falling bodies. Chapter 2: 1-7
Lecture 3 9/13/10 Vectors, Chapter 3: 1-5
Lecture 4 9/15/10 Vector Kinematics, Relative motion.  Chapter 3: 6,9
Lecture 5 9/20/10 Projectile Motion, Chapter 3: 7
Lecture 6 9/22/10

Force, Newton's Laws

Chapter 4: 1-6

Lecture 7 9/27/10

Force of gravity, Free body diagram, problem solving

Chapter 4: 6-8

Lecture 8 9/29/10

Friction, velocity dependant forces

Chapter 5: 1-6

Lecture 9 10/6/10

Uniform Circular motion, un/banked curves

Chapter 5: 2-5

Lecture 10 10/12/10

Universal Law of Gravitation, Kepler's Laws

Chapter 6

Lecture 11 10/13/10

Work, Dot product, Work done by varying Forces.

Lecture 12 10/18/10

Work-Energy principle, Conservative/Non-Conservative Forces

Lecture 13 10/20/10

Potential Energy, Mechanical Energy.

Lecture 14 10/25/10

Conservation of Energy, Escape velocity, Power.

Lecture 15 10/27/10

Momentum and Force, Conservation of momentum, Collisions and Impulse.

Lecture 16 11/3/10

Conservation of Momentum and Energy, Elastic and Inelastic collisions.

Lecture 17 11/8/10

Collisions in 2D-3D, Center of Mass, translational motion of CM..

Lecture 18 11/15/10

CM review, angular quantities, angular motion with constant angular acceleration.

Lecture 19 11/17/10

Angular kinematics review, torque, moment of inertia, rolling bodies.

Lecture 20 11/22/10

Angular momentum, vector cross product.

Lecture 21 11/24/10

Vector nature of torque, angular momentum, Conservation of Angular momentum

Lecture 22 11/29/10

Simple harmonic oscillators

Lecture 23 12/6/10

Not So Simple harmonic oscillators

Lecture 24 12/8/10

Introduction to Waves