Engineering Differential Equations MATH.2360-201
Fall 2018

Phase plane for a damped pendulum, created with John Polking's pplane8.m MATLAB script
The final exam will be given from 6:30 - 8:30PM on Thursday, December 20 in Olney Hall room 150.
There will be 6 questions: 3 on first order de's and applications; 2 on higher order de's, systems, and applications; and 1 on Laplace transforms. The material in sections 7.4 - 7.6 is not included.
You may bring one 8.5x11 formula sheet, both sides. Integral and Laplace transform tables will be provided.
Cell phone use is not permitted during the exam.
Here are a review sheet
and solutions to the sample problems
Here are links to some old final exams
Here are my office hours during final exam week. If you need to see me and you cannot make it at these times please email me and we can arrange another time to meet.
Monday, December 17, 8AM - 10AM
Tuesday, December 18, 11AM - 1PM
Wednesday, December 19, 8AM - 10AM
Thursday, December 20, 2PM - 4PM
Course Materials
Schedule, Including Homework Assignments
Class handouts etc.
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Steve Pennell | (978) 934-2710 |
Last Updated: December 13, 2018