Engineering Differential Equations MATH.2360-201

Fall 2018

Course Materials

Exam Review Sheets, Including Practice Exams

  1. Review Sheet for Exam 1

  2. Review Sheet for Exam 2

  3. Review Sheet for Exam 3

  4. Review Sheet for Final Exam

Solution Sheets for Practice Exams

  1. Solutions to Exam 1 Sample Problems

  2. Solutions to Exam 2 Sample Problems

  3. Solutions to Exam 3 Sample Problems

  4. Solutions to Final Exam Sample Problems

Take-Home Parts of Exams

  1. Take-home part of Exam 1 due Friday, September 28.

  2. Take-home part of Exam 2 due Monday, October 29.

  3. Take-home part of Exam 3 due Friday, November 30.

Solution Sheets for Exams

  1. Solution Sheet for Exam 1 Problems

  2. Solution Sheet for Exam 2 Problems

  3. Solution Sheet for Exam 3 Problems


Project reports are due October 26. Here is the project description.
Here is a script file showing how to generate a loglog plot.

Homework for Sections 2.4, 2.6, 4.3

  1. Section 2.4 homework handout

  2. Section 2.6 homework handout

  3. Section 4.3 homework handout

MATLAB Handouts

  1. Handout on Graphing (September 6).

  2. Handout on Symbolic Utilities (September 13).

  3. Handout on Numerical Methods (September 27). You will also need Dr. White's scripts euler.m and rk4.m and the homework assignments for section 2.4 and section 2.6.

  4. Handout on Slope Fields (October 4). You will also need the script dirfield.m. In case you don't have your textbook with you, the homework assignment on slope fields includes problems 1, 2, and 7 from section 1.3.

  5. Handout on additional MATLAB graphics commands (October 25).

  6. Handout on Phase Planes (November 1). You will also need the script phaseplane.m

  7. Handout on Numerical Methods for Systems (November 8) to be used for the section 4.3 homework. You will also need Dr. White's script rk4.m.

  8. Handout on Symbolic Laplace Transform Utilities (November 29).

  9. Handout on Matrix Algebra Commands

Class Handouts

  1. Solution method for first order linear equations

  2. Solving first order equations

  3. Solving second order constant coefficient equations

  4. The Method of Undetermined Coefficients

  5. Example of the Method of Variation of Parameters

  6. Examples of forced motion

  7. Example of forced motion with discontinuous forcing term

  8. Example of forced motion with an impulse force

Challenge Problems

  1. A friend of mine in college claimed that hot water freezes faster than cold water. His reasoning was that hot water loses heat at a faster rate than cold water, so if you put a container of hot water and a container of cold water in a freezer at the same time, the hot water will cool down faster and will freeze first. What does our heating/cooling model have to say about my friend's theory?

  2. The Snowplow Problem: One night it started snowing at a steady rate. A snowplow started out at midnight. At 1 a.m., it had gone 2 miles. At 2 a.m., it had gone another mile. What time did it start snowing?

  3. An interesting application of radioactive dating.

  4. The standard form of a second-order linear d.e. is y″ + p(x) y′ + q(x) y = f(x). Recalling the solution procedure for a first-order linear d.e., you might think that there is an integrating factor ρ(x) with the property that, if you multiply both sides of the d.e. by ρ(x), the left side becomes the second derivative of ρ(x)y.

  5. For people who have studied linear algebra:

  6. The total energy E of a mass-spring system is given by E = ½mv2 + ½kx2. Show that E is constant for an undamped, unforced system, and show that E is a decreasing function of time for a damped, unforced system.

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Steve Pennell | (978) 934-2710 |

Last Updated: December 3, 2018