66.420 Leadership Processes

Course Overview:

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. ~ Peter F. Drucker

Drucker’s quote captures the essence of this course, to examine leadership process and the dynamics of managerial leadership. We will discuss the difference between managing and leadership along with the critical nature of both. Leadership, as defined by your text, “is the ability to inspire confidence and support among people who are needed to achieve organizational goals” (Dubrin, p.3). Managerial leadership refers to leadership within formal organizations.

Over the course of the semester, we will examine:

  • the role of leader characteristics and styles,
  • the need to match leadership behavior and situations,
  • issues of power and politics,
  • the role  leaders play in supporting empowerment and participation in an organization,
  • and conditions for leadership effectiveness.

We will do this through reading, reflection, discussion and assignments. While your text provides a foundation from which to build your understanding of leadership theory and practice, our discussions, assignments and your critical reflection will help you to build your own repertoire of appropriate leadership styles and skills.


Course Objectives:

At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Articulate an understanding of various leadership styles and behaviors within business organizations
  • Develop a personal understanding of his or her attitudes, beliefs and behaviors and how each contributes to his or her leadership style.
  • Demonstrate how to perform as a productive Team member
  • Identify characteristics of different work environments and relate these characteristics to how leaders should behave within these environments.
  • Explain why effective leaders must understand the details of organizational politics.
  • Articulate the ethical issues and responsibilities associated with being in a leadership position.
  • Articulate a clear vision of what leaders must do in the future to successfully face the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.