University of MassachusettsAnalog DevicesCollege of EngineeringDept of Electrical & Computer Eng- UMLProfessor Mufeed MahD-UML
Contest Date and PlaceDirections to Event PlaceMaps to get to EventAwards and Hospitality (courtesy of ADI)


The first best design will receive a  trophy and a money gift for $750.00.
Second best design will receive a trophy and a money gift for $500.00.
Third best design will receive a trophy and a money gift for $250.00



All participants will receive plaques as an appreciation

from University of Massachusetts Lowell and Analog Devices. 




Coffee, Snacks, and Lunch/Dinner will be served all day long for all attendee

and participants

Acknowledgment: All the above rewards and treats are fully sponsored and courtesy of

Analog Devices

  2006 UML-ADI National DSP Design Contest