University of MassachusettsAnalog DevicesCollege of EngineeringDept of Electrical & Computer Eng- UMLProfessor Mufeed MahD-UML
Contest Date and PlaceDirections to Event PlaceMaps to get to EventAwards and Hospitality (courtesy of ADI)

____ DATE ____

Saturday, June 24, 2006

_____ PLACE _____

University of Massachusetts Lowell
Dept.  Electrical and Computer Eng.
One University Avenue, Ball Hall 422
Lowell, MA, USA 01854

Important  Dates/Events


Registration Due Date: April 30, 2006

Analog Devices will provide the first 15 schools registered before 4/30/2006 needed software/hardware development tools.

UML will provide the first 15 participating schools requesting accommodation before 6/01/06 two nights one room at Best Western Chelmsford Inn

(check Accommodation, please).

2006 UML-ADI National DSP Design Contest