Journal Publications


Cheng, L., Chen, J., Stapleton, S.E., Wang, Y., Jiang, J., Li, Y., “Numerical Prediction Strategy of Fabric In-Plane Permeability Considering Realistic Inter- and Intra-Tow Geometry,” Polymer Composites, 2024.

Husseini, J.F., Pineda, E.J., and Stapleton, S.E., “An Algorithm for Modeling Thermoplastic Spherulite Growth Using Crystallization Kinetics,” Materials, Vol. 17, No. 14, 2024.

Xia, W., Stapleton, S. E., and Schmidt, D. F. “Effect of an unsaturated-chain extender on the response of epoxy resins to radiation post-curing.” Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2024.


Xia, W., Hurvitz, S. B., Lee, J. Y., Stapleton, S. E., and Schmidt, D. F. “Dual-Cure Networks Designed for Property Modulation via High-Energy Radiation.” ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2023.

Barlow, G., Mollenhauer, D., Zhou, E., Whitcomb, J., and Stapleton, S. E. “Inducing Fiber Entanglement to Achieve Realistic Tow Fiber Volume Fractions in Textile Reinforced Composite Models.” Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 162, 2023, p. 103546.

Kabir, S. M. F., Uluturk, I., Pang, R., Khadse, N., Stapleton, S. E., and Park, J. H. “Structure–Property Investigation of Knit Patterns on Thermal Comfort: A Holistic Approach.” ACS Applied Engineering Materials, Vol. 1, No. 5, 2023, pp. 1455–1466.

Schey, M., Beke, T., Owens, K., George, A., Pineda, E.J., Stapleton, S.E., “Effects of Debulking on the Fiber Microstructure and Void Distribution in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics” Composite Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol.165, 2023.

Husseini, J.F., Pineda, E.J., Stapleton, S.E., “Generation of artificial 2-D fiber reinforced composite microstructures with statistically equivalent features” Composite Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 164, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107260


Sutherland, D. W., McEleney, A., de Almeida, M., Kajimoto, M., Ventura, G., Isenberg, B. C., Portman, M. A., Stapleton, S. E., and Williams, C. “Characterization of Main Pulmonary Artery and Valve Annulus Region of Piglets Using Echocardiography, Uniaxial Tensile Testing, and a Novel Non-Destructive Technique.” Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, Vol. 9, 2022. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.884116

Mueller, K.M.A., Mulderrig, S., Najafian, S., Hurvitz, S.B, Sodhani, D., Mela, P., and Stapleton, S.E., “Mesh Manipulation for Local Structural Property Tailoring of Medical Warp-Knitted Textiles,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2022.


Schey, MJ, Beke, T., Appel, L., Zabler, S., Shah, S., Hu, J., Liu, F., Maiaru, M., and Stapleton, S.E., “Identification and Quantification of 3D Fiber Clusters in Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials,” JOM, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s11837-021-04703-0.

Xia, W., Najafian, S., Cassano, A., Stapleton, S.E., and Schmidt, D.F., “Dual-Cure Epoxies Enabling Graded Properties via Localized High-Energy Irradiation,” ACS Applied Polymer Letters, 2021. DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.0c01137.


Najafian, S., Amirkhizi, A. V., and Stapleton, S.E., “Interfacial Mixed-Mode Fracture Toughness Characterization of Flexible Layered Materials,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2020.107307.

Cassano, A. G., Dev, S., Maiaru, M., Hansen, C. J., and Stapleton, S.E., “Finite Element Cure Simulation of Thick Adhesive Bondlines for Wind Energy Applications,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020. DOI: 10.1002/app.49989.

Barlow, G.J., Page, C., Drane, P., Stapleton, S.E., Fasel, B., and Inalpolat, M., “Combat Helmet Liner Design for Blunt Impact Absorption using Multi-Output Gaussian Process Surrogates,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020. DOI: 10.1177/0954406220960764.

Lux, P., Cassano, A. G., Maiaru, M., and Stapleton, S.E., “Adhesive Curing Cycle Time Optimization in Wind Turbine Blade Manufacturing,” Renewable Energy, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.08.043.


Stapleton, S.E., Stier, B., Jones, S., Bergan, A., Kaleel, I., Petrolo, M., Carrera, E., Bednarcyk, B.A., “A Critical Assessment of Design Tools for Stress Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Double Lap Joints,” Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2019.1600768


Stapleton, S.E., Kaufmann, D., Krieger, H., Schenk, J., Gries T., and Schmelzeisen, D., “Finite Element Modeling to Predict the Steady State Structural Behavior of 4D Textiles,” Textile Research Journal, 2018. DOI:10.1177/0040517518811948

Sodhani, D., Reese, S., Soganci, S., Aksenov, A., Jockenhoevel, S., Mela, P., and Stapleton, S. E., “Fluid-structure interaction simulation of artificial textile reinforced aortic heart valve: validation with an in-vitro test,” Journal of Biomechanics, 78, pg 52-69, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2018.07.018

Sodhani, D., Reese, S., Jockenhoevel, S., Mela, P., and Stapleton, S. E., “Multi-scale modelling and simulation of a highly deformable embedded biomedical textile mesh composite,” Composites Part B:Engineering, 2018. DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2018.01.010

George, A., Hannibal, P., Morgan, M., Hoagland, D., Stapleton, S. E., “Compressibility Measurement of Composite Reinforcements for Flow Simulation of Vacuum Infusion,” Polymer Composite, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/pc.24770


Li Y., Stapleton S. E., Reese S., and Simon J-W., "Anisotropic elastic-plastic deformation of paper: Out-of-plane model," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2017.10.003

Krieger H., Gries T., and Stapleton S. E., “Shear and drape behavior of non-crimp fabrics based on stitching geometry,” International Journal of Material Forming, 2017. 1-13 doi: 10.1007/s12289-017-1368-1

Krieger H., Gries T., and Stapleton S. E., “Geometrical analysis of woven fabric microstructure based on micron-resolution computed tomography data,” Applied Composite Materials, 2017. 1-15. doi: 10.1007/s10443-017-9626-4

Stapleton, S. E., Weimer, J., and Spengler, J., “Design of Functionally Graded Joints using a Polyurethane-Based Adhesive with Varying Amounts of Acrylate,” International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2017.02.006

Krieger H., Gries T., and Stapleton S. E., “Design of Tailored Non-Crimp Fabrics Based on Stitching Geometry,” Applied Composite Materials, 2017. 1–15. DOI: 10.1007/s10443-017-9603-y


Stapleton, S. E., Appel, L., Simon, J-W., and Reese, S., “Representative Volume Element for Parallel Fiber Bundles: Model and Size Convergence,” Composites Part A, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2016.04.018

Li, Y., Stapleton, S. E., Simon, J.-W., and Reese, S., “Experimental and Numerical Study of Paperboard Interface Properties,” Experimental Mechanics, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s11340-016-0184-8

Sodhani, D., Reese, S., Moreira, R., Jockenhoevel, S., Mela, P., and Stapleton, S. E., “Multi-scale modelling of textile reinforced artificial tubular aortic heart valves,” Meccanica, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s11012-016-0479-y

Li, Y., Stapleton, S.E., Reese, S., Simon, J.-W., “Anisotropic elastic-plastic deformation of paper: In-plane model,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2016.08.024

Khiêm, V.N., Krieger, H., Itskov, M., Gries, T., Stapleton, S.E., “An averaging based hyperelastic modeling and experimental analysis of non-crimp fabrics”, International Journal of Solids and Structures,2016. DOI:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2016.12.018


Stapleton, S. E., Moreira, R., Jockenhoevel, S., Mela, P., and Reese, S., “Effect of reinforcement volume fraction and orientation on a hybrid tissue engineered aortic heart valves with a tubular leaflet design, ” Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 2:21, 2015. DOI:10.1186/s40323-015-0039-3


Stapleton, S. E., Gries, T., Pineda, E. J., and Waas, A. M., “Adaptive Shape Functions and Internal Mesh Adaptation for Modeling Progressive Failure in Adhesively Bonded Joints,” Int J of Solids and Structures, 51: 18, 2014.  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2014.05.022

Rypl, R., Chudoba, R., Mörschel, U., Stapleton, S. E., Gries, T., and Sommer, G., “A Novel Tensile Test Device for Effective Testing of High-Modulus Multi-Filament Yarns,” J of Industrial Textiles, 2014.  DOI: 10.1177/1528083714521069

Stapleton, S. E., Waas, A. M., Arnold, S. M., and Bednarcyk, B. A., “Co-rotational Formulation for Bonded Joint Finite Elements,” AIAA Journal, 52 : 6, 2014.  DOI:10.2514/1.J052422


Stapleton, S. E., Waas, A. M., and Arnold, S. M., “Functionally Graded Adhesives for Composite Joints,” Int J of Adhesion and Adhesives, 35: 36-49, 2012.  DOI:10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2011.11.010


Stapleton, S. E., Bednarcyk, B. A., and Waas, A. M., “Modeling Progressive Failure of Bonded Joints Using a Single Joint Finite Element,” AIAA Journal, 49: 8, 2011.  DOI: 10.2514/1.J050889


Stapleton, S. E. and Adams, D. O. “Structural Enhancements for Increased Energy Absorption in Composite Sandwich Structures,” J Sandwich Struct and Mat, 13: 137, 2010.  DOI: 10.1177/1099636210378951


Stapleton, S. E. and Adams, D. O., “Core Design for Energy Absorption in Sandwich Composites,” J Comp Mat, 43: 175, 2009.  DOI: 10.1177/0021998308099225


Stapleton, S. E. and Adams, D. O., “Crush Initiators for Increased Energy Absorption in Composite Sandwich Structures,” J Sandwich Struct and Mat, 10: 331, 2008.  DOI: 10.1177/1099636208091737

Book Chapters


Hesseler, S., Stapleton, S. E., Appel, L., Schöfer, S., and Manin, B., “Modelling of Reinforcement Fibres and Textiles,” in Advances in Modeling and Simulation in Textile Engineering, edited by Akankwasa, N.T. and Veit, D., Elsevier, 2021. ISBN: 9780128229552


D. Sodhani, R. V. Raj, J. Simon, S. Reese, R. Moreira, V. Gesche, S. Jockenhövel, P. Mela, B. Stier and S. E. Stapleton; "Artificial textile reinforced tubular aortic heart valves - multi-scale modelling and experimental validation"; Biomedical Technology; Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (Eds: Thomas Lenarz, Peter Wriggers); 2016; accepted (November 10, 2016)


Ahn, J., Stapleton, S. E., and Waas, A. M., “Advanced Modeling of the Behavior of Bonded Composite Joints in Aerospace Applications,” in Composite Joints and Connections, edited by Comanho, P., and Tong, L., Woodhead, 2011. ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 990 1

Conference Preceedings


Barlow, G. and Stapleton, S. E.; “Generating Woven Textile Models with Induced Fiber Entanglement for Achieving Realistic Tow Fiber Volume Fraction,” 37th ASC Technical Conference, Tucson, AZ, September 2022.

Schey, M. and Stapleton, S. E.; “The determination of a 3D length scale using long reconstructed fiber paths,” 37th ASC Technical Conference, Tucson, AZ, September 2022.

Husseini, J. F., Schey, M., Beke, T., Pineda, E. J., and Stapleton, S. E.; “Composite Fiber Aggregation and Artificial Microstructure Generation,” 37th ASC Technical Conference, Tucson, AZ, September 2022. (won Solvay Student Paper Award)

Stapleton, S. E. and Shah, S.; “Fiber Network Model for Reduced Order Composite Multi Scale Models,” AIAA Scitech 2022 Forum, San Diego, CA January 2022.


Hurvitz, S. B., Husseini, J., and Stapleton, S. E.; “A radiation sensitive adhesive system for functionally graded composite joints,” 36th ASC Technical Conference, College Station, TX, September 2021.

Schey, M., Beke, T., and Stapleton, S. E.; “The Effects of Debulking on the Microstructure of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites,” 36th ASC Technical Conference, College Station, TX, September 2021.

Husseini, J. F., and Stapleton, S. E.; “Artificial generation of 2-d fiber reinforced composite microstructures with statistically equivalent features,” 36th ASC Technical Conference, College Station, TX, September 2021.

Barlow, G., Schey, M., and Stapleton, S. E.; “Achieving Realistic Tow Fiber Volume Fractions in Textile Composite Models by Inducing Fiber Entanglement,” 36th ASC Technical Conference, College Station, TX, September 2021.

Shah, S., Plaka, E., Schey, M., Hu, J., Liu, F., Beke, T., Stapleton, S. E., and Maiaru, M.; “Quantification of Thermoset Composite Microstructures for Process Modeling,” AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, Nashville, TN January 2021.

Najafian, S., Cassano, A. G., Stapleton, S. E, Schmidt, D. F; “Functionally Graded Adhesives Using Radiation Curing,” “Characterization of Functionally Graded Adhesives Using Radiation Curing,” AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, Nashville, TN January 2021.


Olaya, M.N., McDonald, J., Shah, S., Hansen, C.J., Stapleton, S.E., and Maiaru, M.; “Wind Blade Repair Optimization” 35th ASC Technical Conference, Jersey City, NJ, September 2020.

Husseini, J. F., Stapleton, S. E., Schey, M., Beke, T., and Pineda, E. J.; “Statistical Descriptors of Composite Fiber Aggregation,” 35th ASC Technical Conference, Jersey City, NJ, September 2020.

Shah, S., Plaka, E., Schey, M., Hu, J., Liu, F., Beke, T., Stapleton, S. E., and Maiaru, M.; “In-situ Characterization of Polymer Matrix Composites and Progressive Damage Analysis of Virtually Reconstructed Microstructures,” 35th ASC Technical Conference, Jersey City, NJ, September 2020.

Barry, C.P., Panerai, F., Bergeron, K., Stapleton, S.E., and Sherwood, J.A., “Mesomechanical Modeling of Braided Cords,” 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM), Cottbus, Germany, May 2020.

Barry, C.P., Panerai, F., Bergeron, K., Charette, C., Noetscher, G., Stapleton, S.E., Willis, D.J., and Sherwood, J.A., “Mesomechanical Modeling of the Mechanical Behavior of Parachute Suspension Lines using LS-DYNA,” 16th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Detroit, MI, June 2020.

Shah, S., Schey, M., Hu, J., Liu, F., Beke, T., Stapleton, S. E., and Maiaru, M.; “Microstructural Quantification and Virtual Reconstruction of Polymer Matrix Composites,” AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, Orlando, FL January 2020. DOI: 10.2514/6.2020-1858

Stapleton, S. E, Cassano, A. G., Najafian, S., Schmidt, D. F; “Functionally Graded Adhesives Using Radiation Curing,” AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, Orlando, FL January 2020. DOI: 10.2514/6.2020-1929


Cassano, A. G., Stapleton, S. E, Schmidt, D. F; “Functionally Graded Adhesives Joints with Enhanced Strength,” AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, San Diego, CA January 2019. DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-0234.

Stapleton, S. E, Bergan, A., Sleight, D. W., Bednarcyk, B. A., Zahn, A., Farrokh, B., Segal, K. N., Stier, B., Jones, S., “Comparison of Design Tools for Stress Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Joints,” AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, San Diego, CA January 2019. DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-0232.

Stapleton, S. E, Najafian, S., Stier, B., Jones, S., Bergan, A., Bednarcyk, B. A., “Strain Energy Release Rate Calculations of Adhesively Bonded Joints using Spring Foundation Models,” 34nd ASC Technical Conference, Atlanta, GA, Oct 2019. DOI: 10.12783/asc34/31292

Schey, M.J., Stapleton, S. E, Pryzbyla, C.P., Uchic, M., and Zabler, S., “Determining a Length Scale of FRP Composite Microstructures,” 34nd ASC Technical Conference, Atlanta, GA, Oct 2019. 10.12783/asc34/31409


S. Najafian, A. V. Amirkhizi, and S. E. Stapleton “Experimental Design to Characterize the Interface of Flexible Hybrid Electronics under Mixed-Mode Fracture”, 2018 Simulia Global User Meeting, Boston, MA, June 2018.

S. Hessler, S. E. Stapleton, V. Yakovlev, L. Appel, T. Gries; " Micro-scale model for a multi-scale modeling approach of thermoplastic fiber reinforced polymers," 13th International Conference on Textile Composites (TEXCOMP-13), Milan, Italy, September 2018.

A. G. Cassano, C. Hansen, S. E. Stapleton, M. Maiaru “Prediction of Cure Overheating in Thick Adhesive Bondlines for Wind Energy Applications”, 2018 Simulia Global User Meeting, Boston, MA, June 2018.

J. Su, S. Johnson, S. E. Stapleton, J. Sherwood, S. Nolet, and N Althoff; "Effects of Localized Manufacturing-induced Defects in Wind Turbine Blades," 33nd ASC Technical Conference / 18th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials, Seattle, WA, Oct 2018.

S. E. Stapleton, M. Schey, C. P. Przybyla, M. Uchic, H. Krieger, L. Appel, S. Zabler; "Comparison of Fiber Microstructural Characteristics for Two Grades of Carbon Fiber Composites," 33nd ASC Technical Conference / 18th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials, Seattle, WA, Oct 2018.

S. Najafian, A. V. Amirkhizi, S. E. Stapleton; " Interfacial characterization of flexible hybrid electronics," SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, Denver, CO, April 2018.


S. E. Stapleton, C. Schwab, H. Krieger, L. Appel, E. G. Zhou, and D. Mollenhauer; " Micro-Mechanical Modelling of the Entanglement of Carbon Fiber Tows," 32nd ASC Technical Conference, West Lafeyette, IN, Oct 2017.


Li, Y., Simon, J.W., Stapleton, S. E., and Reese, S., "Multiscale Modeling of paper" ECCM17 - 17th European Conference on Composite, Munich, Germany, 2016.

Li, Y., Stapleton, S. E., Reese, S. and Simon, J.W., "Multiscale Modeling of paper" Progress in Paper Physics Seminar, Darmstadt, Germany, 2016.

Stapleton, S. E., Sodhani, D., Raj, V., Sethi, A., Moreira, R., Jockenhoevel, S., Mela, P., and Reese, S., “Multi-Scale Modelling of Textile Reinforced Tissue Engineered Heart Valves,” Science in the age of Experience, Boston, MA., 2016.

Stapleton, S. E., and Appel, L., "The Effect of Fiber-Scale Parameters on Dry Carbon Fiber Tows," 17th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials, Sapporo, Japan, 2016.

Stapleton, S. E., and Appel, L., "Micro-Mechanical Modelling of Fiber Tows Prior to Infiltration," 31st ASC Technical Conference and ASTM D30 Meeting, Williamsburg, VA, 2016.

Krieger, H. and Stapleton, S. E., "Simplified analytical stitch model for non-crimp fabrics," 31st ASC Technical Conference and ASTM D30 Meeting, Williamsburg, VA, 2016.


Li, Y., Simon, J.W., Stapleton, S. E., and Reese, S., "An in-plane elastic-plastic model for the anisotropic deformation of paper" 3rd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference and 6th GACM Colloquium, Aachen, Germany, 2015.


Islam, M. S., Prabhakar, P., Krieger, H., Stapleton, S. E., and Gries, T., “Prediction of Damage due to Compaction during Manufacturing of Textile Composites” ECCM-16th European Conference on Composite Materials, Seville, Spain, 2014.


Stapleton, S. E., Waas, A. M. Bednarcyk, B. A., and Arnold, S. M., “Co-rotational Formulation for Bonded Joint Finite Elements” 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC SDM Conference, Honolulu, HI, 2012.


Stapleton, S. E., Waas, A. M. and Bednarcyk, B. A., “Bonded Joint Elements for Structural Modeling and Failure Prediction” 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC SDM Conference, Denver, Co, 2011.


Stapleton, S. E. and Waas, A. M., “Reduced-Order Modeling of Adhesively Bonded Joints Using an Enhanced Joint Finite Element” 54th Int. SAMPE Symp, Salt Lake City, UT, October, 2010.

Stapleton, S. E., Waas, A. M., and Bednarcyk, B. A., “Modeling Progressive Failure of Bonded Joints Using a Single Joint Finite Element” 51st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC SDM Conference, Orlando, FL, 2010.


Stapleton, S. E. and Waas, A. M. “Macroscopic Finite Element for a Single Lap Joint,” 50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC SDM Conference, Palm Springs, CA, 2009.


Van Otten, J., Stapleton, S. E., Adams, D. O., and Nailadi, C., “Design Considerations for Energy Absorption in Automotive Sandwich Composites,” 53rd Int. SAMPE Symp, Long Beach, CA, May, 2008.


Stapleton, S. E., Adams, D. O., and Nailadi, C., “Edgewise Impact Testing of Automotive Sandwich Composites,” 52nd Int. SAMPE Symp, Baltimore, MD, June, 2007.