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Modernism in Architecture

Modernism Home  Literature Poetry  Film  Art Architecture

Internet Resources

Bauhaus: Architecture in Tel Aviv - A collection of photographs from the 1930's of modernist architecture in Tel Aviv.

The Great Buildings Collection -  This gateway to architecture around the world and across history documents a thousand buildings and hundreds of leading architects, with 3D models, photographic images and architectural drawings.

Library of Congress Exhibit of Frank Lloyd Wright

Touring Turn-of-the-Century America (link is to the "buildings" topic) - Photographs from the Detroit Publishing Company, taken between 1880-1920.  This is a Library of Congress exhibit.





 "Building America," a multimedia online exhibition (requires Flash player).



An extensive database of modern architecture, searchable by date or architect.


Audio Clips

Click the microphone for links to three BBC interviews recorded in 1959 with Charles Édouard Jeanneret Le Corbusier, a Swiss- French architect.

Click the microphone for links to four BBC interviews recorded in 1968 with Walter Adolph Gropius, a German architect and educator.


UMass Online Library Resources

Note: You must be a currently enrolled student or an employee of UMass Lowell to access the following resources.

Abbott, James R.  "Louis Sullivan, Architectural Modernism, and the Creation of Democratic Space." American Sociologist 31.1 (Spring 2000): p62. 

By: Goad, Philip; Willis, Julie.  "Invention from War: A Circumstantial Modernism for Australian Architecture."  Journal of Architecture, Spring2003, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p41.

Guillén, Mauro F. "Modernism without Modernity: The Rise of Modernist Architecture in Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, 1890-1940."   Latin American Research Review, 2004, Vol. 39 Issue 2, p6-34.

Kincaid, Andrew.  "Memory and the City: Urban Renewal and Literary Memoirs in Contemporary Dublin."  College Literature, Spring2005, Vol. 32 Issue 2, p16-42.

Le Roux, Hannah.  "Building on the Boundary -- Modern Architecture in the Tropics."   Social Identities, Jul2004, Vol. 10 Issue 4, p439-453.

Wakeman, Rosemary.  "Nostalgic Modernism and the Invention of Paris in the Twentieth Century."   French Historical Studies, Winter2004, Vol. 27 Issue 1, p115-144.

Willis, Julie.  "In Australia, Between America and Europe, Beaux Arts and Modernism, Scholarship and Qualification: The Melbourne University Architectural Atelier, 1919–1947."   Journal of Architectural Education, Feb2005, Vol. 58 Issue 3, p13-22.