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Modernism in Film

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Cinematic Modernism: Modernist Poetry and Film

Modernist Journals Project - Cine-Tracts

Carney, Ray.  "Two Forms of Cinematic Modernism: Notes Towards a Pragmatic Aesthetic." (excerpt).

Simerka, Barbara; Weimer, Christopher.  "Tom Cruise and the Seven Dwarves: Cinematic Postmodernisms in Abre los ojos and Vanilla Sky."  American Drama, Summer 2005

UMass Online Library Resources

Note: You must be a currently enrolled student or an employee of UMass Lowell to access the following resources.

Hammond, Mike.  "Vernacular Modernism: 'Film: The First Global Vernacular?' University of London."  History Workshop Journal - Issue 58, Autumn 2004, pp. 355-358

Hansen, Miriam.  "The Mass Production of the Senses: Classical Cinema as Vernacular Modernism."  Modernism/modernity - Volume 6, Number 2, April 1999, pp. 59-77

Komatsu, Hiroshi "The Foundation of Modernism: Japanese Cinema in the Year 1927."  Film History: An International Journal - Volume 17, Number 2/3, 2005, pp. 363-375

McCabe, Susan.   "The 'Ballet Mecanique' of Marianne Moore's Cinematic Modernism."  Mosaic 33.2, June 2000, p67.

McCabe, Susan.   "Delight in Dislocation: The Cinematic Modernism of Stein, Chaplin, and Man Ray" Modernism/modernity - Volume 8, Number 3, September 2001, pp. 429-452

Ricciardi, Alessia.  "The Spleen of Rome: Modernism in Fellini's La dolce vita."  Modernism/modernity - Volume 7, Number 2, April 2000, pp. 201-219

Wollaeger Mark A. "Killing Stevie: Modernity, Modernism, and Mastery in Conrad and Hitchcock."  Modern Language Quarterly v58.n3, Sept 1997. pp323(28).