Calc 3 Schedule

Sub Heading

Andover High School: Spring 2006  All Homework from FDWK: Calculus a Complete course (2nd ed).  NOTE: the dates are only estimates and our actual pace may be faster or slower.

Class Date 



Assignments Due

2/1 (Wed) Meeting 1 Cartesian Coords & Vectors 11.1 p.583: 1,11,13,19,33,41,43,49,51
  Dot Products

Cross Products



p.591: 3,7,13,15,23,45f,46

p.599: 3,9,15,21,31

2/8 (Wed) Meeting 2 Lines and Planes 11.4 p.605: 1,3,7,15,17,21,41,45
  Cylinders and Cylindrical coordinates

Quadric Surfaces



p.613: 1,19,23,27,29

p.623: 1,3,7,11,15,21,35

2/13 (Mon) Meeting 3


Vector Functions and Space Curves

Arc Length and unit Tangent



p.641: 5,9,17,27,35,38

p.648: 1,5,15,22

  Curvature, Torsion and TNB Frame 12.3 p.658: 1,5,7,11,19,30
2/15 (Wed) Meeting 4 Planetary Motion 12.4  
  Functions of Several Variables, 13.1 p.683: 1,3,9,11,27,31,35

Limits and Continuity



3/1 (Wed) Take Home Exam due.    
3/1 (Wed) Meeting 5 Partial Derivatives 13.3 p.701: 5,7,19,23,33
  Tangent Planes and Linear Approximations 13.4 p.712: 1,9,21,27
3/ 6 (Mon) Meeting 6 The Chain Rule 13.5 p.721: 1,9,13,19,23,25
  Directional Derivatives, Gradient Vectors 13.6 p.733: 3,7,9,15,21,25,31
  Extreme Values 13.7 p.743: 1,11,15,29
3/8 (Wed) Meeting 7 Lagrange Multipliers 13.8 p.754: 5,9,23
  Double integrals 14.1 p.771: 1,5,9,21,25,31,35,45


  Area Moments, Centers of Mass 14.2 p.781: 1,3,9,11,15,19,35
3/22 (Wed) Meeting 8 Midterm Exam    
  Double integrals in Polar Coordinates 14.3 p.788: 1,3,5,9,15,21,25
  Triple Integrals in Rectangular Coords 14.4 p.796: 9,15,21,27,39
3/27 (Mon) Meeting 9 Masses and Moments in 3-D 14.5 p.802: 5,13
  Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coords. 14.6 p.812: 25,27,37,45,53,63
4/24 (Mon) Meeting 10 Substitutions in Multiple Integrals 14.7 p.823: 5,9,11,17,19
  Line Integrals 15.1 p.833; 1,3,5,9,19,27
4/26 (Wed)  Meeting 11 Take Home Exam due.    
  Special Guest Lecture:  Dan Klain, of UMass Lowell 15.2 p.843: 1,3,15,19,21
  Vector fields, Work, Circulation and Flux 15.2 p.843: 1,3,15,19,21
  Path Independence, Potential Functions and Conservative Fields 15.3 p.853: 1,7,15,19,36
5/3 (Wed) Meeting 12 Green’s Theorem in the plane 15.4 p.864: 1,5,15,17,19
  Surface Area and Surface Integrals 15.5 p.875: 1,6,19,21,25,27
5/10 (Wed) Meeting 13 Parametrized surfaces 15.6 p.884: 1,5,13,17,35,39
  Stokes's Theorem 15.7 p.894: 1,5,10, 26 
5/17 (Wed) Meeting 14 Divergence Theorem and Review 15.8 p.905: 1,2,5,9,29
5/24 (Wed) Meeting 15 Final Exam  

Sub Heading

Nam a urna a dui bibendum fringilla ac eu risus. Sed vestibulum mi eget dui varius tempus. Pellentesque lacinia arcu vel lectus vestibulum ut tempor purus mattis. Phasellus pulvinar libero sed elit elementum et mollis nibh posuere. Sed vitae elit risus. Suspendisse potenti. Donec ipsum sem, accumsan sit amet porttitor vel, aliquet sit amet enim