
Chemistry Lab 1

Help Page




    • Personalized help on lab reports in 84.123 is available during specified hours at the Freshman Chemistry Help Center, Olney Hall, Room 407. The schedule of tutoring hours is posted on the doors of each Freshman Chemistry laboratory. Before going to the Help Center, be sure to complete as much of your lab report as possible on your own: instructors at the Help Center may answer specific questions or provide general review, but they are not permitted to complete your lab report for you.


    • On-line help for the individual 84.123 experiments is provided below. Click on the experiment for which you need help. Good luck!





        1. Weighing
        2. Volume of Liquids

        3. Graphing
        4. Density
        5. Nomenclature
        6. Percent Carbonate
        7. Formula of a Compound I: Magnesium and Oxygen
        8. Spectrophotometric Determination of Formula of Complex Ion
        9. Heats of Reaction and Hess' Law
        10. Atomic Weight of a Metal
        11. Antacids Experiment
        12. Molecular Shapes
        13. Double Displacement Reactions
        14. Spectrophotometric Determination of Dyes 
        15. Determination of Fe(II) - A Redox Titration










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