Dan Wasserman
Assistant Professor
Associate-Director, UML Photonics Center
2004- Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Princeton University
2000- M.A. in Electrical Engineering, Princeton University
1998- Sc.B. Engineering Physics, Brown University
2007 - Present - Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Lowell
2007 - Present - Associate Director, UMass Lowell
2004-2007- Associate Research Scholar, Princeton University
- "CAREER: Quantum Dot Cascade Lasers", PI, National Science Foundation, 400K, 2011-2016.
- “Active Plasmonics for Beam Steering and On-Chip Directional Control”, PI, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Young Investigator Program, 360K, 2010-2013.
- “Tunable Mid-IR Metamaterial Filters”, STTR with Triton Systems Inc., 136K, 2010-2012
- “Mid-Infrared Plasmonics for Sensing Applications”, PI, National Science Foundation, 225K, 2009-2012.
- “Solid State Lighting Energy Frontier Research Center”, University Collaborator with Sandia National Labs, 375K, 2009-2014.
- “Mid-Infrared Plasmonic Beam Steering”, PI, Air Force Research Labs, 75K, 2008-2009
- ”Mid-infrared Quantum Dot Emitters Utilizing Planar Photonic Crystal Technology”, University Collaborator, Sandia National Labs LDRD, 125K, 2007-2009.
- “Wavelength selective exothermic materials”, PI, Alloy Surfaces Inc., 95K, 2008-2010.
- “nBn Detector Development”, PI, Air Force Research Labs, 55K, 2009.
- “Mid-Infrared Metamaterials”, University Collaborator, Sandia National Labs LDRD, 35K, 2010.
- “Mid-infrared beam steering with plasmonic materials”, PI, Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) user proposal, 2008-present.
- “GK-12 Vibes and Waves in action”, STEM Faculty Advisor, National Science Foundation, 2010-2012.
- NSF CAREER Award (2011)
- 2010 Excellence in Teaching Award, UMass Lowell Physics Department.
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Award (2010)
- Princeton University Council of Science and Technology Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship
- National Science Foundation Graduate fellowship
- Princeton University Francis Upton Graduate Fellowship
- Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude, Sigma Xi, Honors from Brown University
- “Observation of Rabi-Splitting from Surface Plasmon Coupled Conduction-State Transitions in Electrically-Excited InAs Quantum Dots”, B.S. Passmore, W.W. Chow, D.C. Adams, T. Ribaudo, S.A. Lyon, D. Wasserman, and E.A. Shaner, Nano-Letters, Jan. (2011) .
- “Enhanced Light Funneling Through Subwavelength Apertures Using Epsilon Near Zero Metamaterials”, D. Slocum, D.C. Adams, V.A. Podolskiy, and D. Wasserman, In Preparation
- “Beam evolution in corrugated plasmonic structures”, S. Thongrattanasiri, D.C. Adams, D. Wasserman and V. Podolskiy, under consideration.
- “Selective Thermal Emission from Patterned Steel ”, J. Mason, D.C. Adams, Z. Johnson, S. Smith, A.W. Davis, and D. Wasserman, Optics Express, 18, 25912 (2010)
- “Active Mid-Infrared Plasmonic Beam Steering Devices”, D.C. Adams, T. Ribaudo, S. Thongrattanasiri, E.A. Shaner, V. Podolskiy, and D. Wasserman, Proc. SPIE, 7756-41 (2010).
- “Plasmonic mid-infrared beam steering”, D.C. Adams, S. Thongrattanasiri, T. Ribaudo, V. A. Podolskiy, and D. Wasserman, Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 201112 (2010).
- Mid-infrared doping tunable transmission through subwavelength metal hole arrays on InSb”, B.S. Passmore, D.G. Allen, S. R. Vangala, W.D. Goodhue, D. Wasserman, and E.A. Shaner, Opt. Express, 17 10223 (2009).
- "High-optical-quality nanosphere lithographically formed InGaAs quantum dots using molecular beam epitaxy assisted GaAs mass transport and overgrowth", X. Qian, S. Vangala, D. Wasserman, and W.D. Goodhue., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 28(3), C3C9 (2010).
- “Spectral and spatial investigation of mid-infrared surface waves on a plasmonic grating”, T. Ribaudo, D.C. Adams, B. Passmore, E.A. Shaner and D. Wasserman, Appl. Phys. Lett., 94 201109 (2009).
- “Active Control and Spatial Mapping of Mid-Infrared Propagating Surface Plasmons”, T. Ribaudo, E.A. Shaner, S.S. Howard, C. Gmachl, X. Wang, F.-S. Choa, and D. Wasserman, Opt. Express, 17, 7019 (2009).
- “Active Control of Propagating Waves on Plasmonic Surfaces”, T. Ribaudo, E.A. Shaner, S.S. Howard, C. Gmachl, X.J. Wang, F.-S. Choa, and D. Wasserman, Proc. SPIE 7221-24, 2 (2009).
- "Room temperature midinfrared electroluminescence from InAs quantum dots", D. Wasserman, T. Ribaudo, S.A. Lyon, S.K. Lyo, E.A. Shaner, Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, 061101 (2009).
- “Loss mechanisms in mid-infrared extraordinary optical transmission gratings”, T. Ribaudo, K. Freitas, E.A. Shaner, J.G. Cederberg, D. Wasserman, Opt. Express 17 666 (2009).
- "High k-space lasing in a dual-wavelength quantum cascade laser”, K.J. Franz, S. Menzel, A.J. Hoffman, D. Wasserman, J.W. Cockburn and C. Gmachl, Nature Photonics, 3, 50 (2009).
- "Active Surface Plasmons: Tuning of Surface Plasmons leads to new optoelectronic devices", Laser Focus World, January 2008.
- “Current-tunable mid-infrared extraordinary transmission gratings”, E.A. Shaner, J. Cederberg, D. Wasserman, Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 181110 (2007)
- Mid-Infrared doping tunable extraordinary transmission from sub-wavelength gratings”, D. Wasserman, E.A. Shaner, and J.G. Cederberg, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 191102 (2007)
- “Negative Refraction in Semiconductor Metamaterials” A.J. Hoffman, L. Alekseyev, S.S. Howard, K.J. Franz, D. Wasserman, V.A. Podolskiy, E.E. Narimanov, D.L. Sivco, and C. Gmachl, Nature Materials, Published online Oct. 14th, 2007.
- “Narrow width, low-ridge configuration for high-power quantum cascade lasers”, A. Lyahk, P. Zory, D. Wasserman, G. Shu, C. Gmachl, D. Bour Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 141107 (2007)
- “Evidence of cascaded emission in a dual-wavelength quantum cascade laser”, K.J. Franz, D. Wasserman, A.J. Hoffman, D.C. Jangraw, K.-T, Shiu, S.R. Forrest, and C. Gmachl, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 091104 (2007)
- “Multiple wavelength polarized mid-infrared emission from InAs quantum dots”, D. Wasserman, C. Gmachl, S.A. Lyon, and E.A. Shaner, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 88, p.191118 (2006).
- ”High-Performance Quantum Cascade Lasers: Optimized Design through Waveguide and Thermal Modeling”, S. S. Howard, Z. J. Liu, D. Wasserman, A. Hoffman, T. Ko, C. F. Gmachl,IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electron., 13, 1054 (2007).
- “Room Temperature Continuous-wave Quantum Cascade Lasers Grown by MOCVD without Lateral Regrowth”, Z. Liu, D. Wasserman, S.S. Howard, A.J. Hoffman, C. Gmachl, X. Wang, T. Tanbun-Ek, L. Cheng, and Fow-Sen Choa, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 18, p.1347 (2006).
- “Anomalous spin polarization of GaAs two-dimensional hole systems”, R. Winkler, E. Tutuc, S.J. Papadakis, S. Melinte, M. Shayegan, D. Wasserman, and S.A. Lyon, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 72, p.195321 (2005).
- “Stimulated electronic Anti-Stokes Raman emission in Quantum Cascade lasers”, A. A Gomez-Iglesias, D. Wasserman, C. Gmachl, A. Belyanin, and D.L. Sivco, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 87, p. 261113 (2005).
- “6 nm half-pitch lines and 0.04μm2 static random access memory patterns by nanoimprint lithography”, M.D. Austin, W. Zhang, H.X. Ge. D. Wasserman, S.A. Lyon, and S.Y. Chou, Nanotech., Vol 8, p.1058 (2005).
- “Cleaved-edge overgrowth of aligned quantum dots on strained layers of InGaAs”, D. Wasserman and S. A. Lyon, Appl. Phys.Lett., Vol 85, p.5352 (2004).
- “Scanning near-field photoluminescence mapping of (110) InAs-GaAs self-assembled quantum dots”, M. Hadjipanayi, A.C. Maciel, J.F. Ryan, D. Wasserman, and S.A. Lyon, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.85, p.2535 (2004).
- “Fabrication of 5nm linewidth and 14 nm pitch features by nanoimprint lithography”, Michael D. Austin, Haixiong Ge, Wei Wu, Mingtao Li, Zhaoning Yu, D. Wasserman, S.A. Lyon, and Stephen Y. Chou, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol 84, p.5299 (2004).
- “Formation of self-assembled quantum dots on (110) GaAs Substrates”, D. Wasserman, S.A. Lyon, M. Hadjipanayi, A. Maciel, and .F. Ryan, Appl. Phys. Lett.. Vol. 83, p.5050 (2003).
- “Negative differential Rashba effect in two-dimensional hole systems”, B. Habib, E. Tutuc, S. Melinte, M. Shayegan, D. Wasserman, S.A. Lyon, and R. Winkler, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 85, p.3151 (2004).
- “Characterization of GaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy on vicinal Ge(100) substrates”, A. Wan, V. Menon, S.R. Forrest, D. Wasserman, S. A. Lyon, and A. Kahn, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol.22, p.1893 (2004).
- “Spin splitting in GaAs (100) two-dimensional holes”, B. Habib, E. Tutuc, S. Melinte, M. Shayegan, D. Wasserman, S. A. Lyon, and R. Winkler, Phys. Rev. B, Vol.69, p.113311 (2004).
- “Mid-infrared luminescence from InAs quantum dots in unipolar devices”, D. Wasserman and S.A. Lyon, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 81, p.2848 (2002).
- “Doping Tunable Enhanced Extraordinary Optical Transmission Gratings”, D. Wasserman, J. Cederberg, and E.A. Shaner, Proc. SPIE 6760, 67600A (2007).
- “MOCVD growth and regrowth of quantum cascade lasers”, F.-S. Choa, L. Cheng, X. Ji, Z. Liu, D. Wasserman, S.S. Howard, C.F. Gmachl, X. Wang, J. Fan, and J. Khurgin, Proc. SPIE 6485, 64850N (2007).
- “Mid-infrared electroluminescence from InAs quantum dots”, D. Wasserman, S.A. Lyon, C. Gmachl, J. Cederberg, and E.A. Shaner, Proc. SPIE Vol. 6386, 63860E (2006)
- "Mid-infrared electroluminescence from InAs quantum dots in p-n junctions and unipolar tunneling structures” D. Wasserman and S.A. Lyon, Physica Status Solidi B, Vol. 224, p.585 (2001).
- “Electroluminescence from III-V self-assembled quantum dots”, D. Wasserman and S.A. Lyon, Book Chapter for "The Handbook of Electroluminescent Materials", edited by Prof. D.R. Vij, Department of Physics, Kurukshetra University, India, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, U.K (2004).
- “110 InAs Quantum Dots: Growth, Single-Dot Luminescence and Cleaved Edge Alignment”, D. Wasserman, E.A. Shaner, S.A. Lyon, M. Hadjipanayi, A.C. Maciel, and J.F. Ryan, MRS Fall 2004 Meeting Proc. “Progress in Compound Semiconductor Materials IV--Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications”, Vol. 829, (2005).
-SPIE Optics and Photonics 2010, San Diego, CA, “Active Mid-IR Plasmonics”
-Society of Applied Spectroscopy, New England Chapter, Seminar Series, 2/2010: “Mid-Infrared Plasmonics and Naotechnology”
-Photonics West, 2010, San Francisco, CA: "Room Termperature Mid-Infrared Electroluminescence from InAs Quantum Dots".
-Physics of Quantum Electronics, 2010, Snowbird, UT: "Mid-Infrared Plasmonics ".
-3rd International Workshop on Quantum Cascade Lasers: Bari, Italy
“Room Temperature Mid-IR Emission from InAs Quantum Dots ”
-2nd International Workshop on Quantum Cascade Lasers: Bari, Italy
“Nonlinear Quantum Cascade Lasers”
-Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures: Albuquerque, NM
“Stimulated Electronic Anti-Stokes Raman Emission from Quantum Cascade Lasers”
-Materials Research Society, Fall 2004: Boston, MA
“(110) Quantum Dots: Growth, Single-Dot Electroluminescence and Cleaved-Edge Alignment”
North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy 2009 Conference Program Committee
Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells (ITQW) 2009 Conference Program Committee
2010, 2011 CLEO Semiconductor Laser Programme Committee member
Reviewer for Book Proposal, Cambridge University Press.
Proposal Reviewer NSF ECCS, NSF DMR, DOE STTR/SBIR, SNSF, Israeli-US Binational Science Foundation.
Reviewer for Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Journal of Applied Physics, Crystal Growth and Design, physica status solidi A, Journal of Quantum Electronics, Nanotechnology, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Communications, Optics Express.
Member of American Physical Society, Optical Society of America, Materials Research Society, IEEE, SPIE
Spring 2010: "UML Photonics Center Physics Activity Day" with Lowell High School Physics Class
Spring 2008: "UML Photonics Center Physics Activity Day", with Lowell High School Physics Class
Fall 2007: "Build Your Own Hard Drive", modular event for UML Gear Up Program
Fall 2007: "The Physics of the Curveball", UML Professor exchange with Lowell High School
2006, 2007: Designed curriculum for, organized, and ran Princeton University "Engineering Day" for 20-25 local high school students.
2004-2007: Organized, set up, and ran 2-3 booths at the annual Princeton University Science and Engineering Expo (SEE)
2000-2002: Volunteer at "A+ for Kids" reading program at Christopher Columbus Elementary School in Trenton, NJ
Spring 2010: Introduction to Physics, Introductory Modern Physics
Fall 2009: Introduction to Physics
Spring 2009: Introduction to Physics
Fall, 2009: Solid State Electronics and Optoelectronic Devices
Spring 2008, 2009: Introductory Modern Physics
Fall 2007: Introduction to Physics
2007: Instructor for ELE102 "New Eyes for the World" (Princeton University)
2005-2006: Course design and lab instructor for ELE102 "New Eyes for the World" (Princeton University)
2004: Guest Lecturer, Lab Developer MSE302 (Princeton University)
2002: Assistant in Instruction – ELE 453 “Optics and Optoelectronics” (Princeton University)
2001: Guest Lecturer, Lab Developer – ELE 208 “Integrated Circuits” (Princeton University)
2000: Assistant in Instruction – ELE 401 “Advanced Analog Circuits” (Princeton University)
2000: Assistant in Instruction – SOC 250 “The Western Way of War" (Princeton University)