Dan Wasserman

| Department of Physics and Applied Physics



2010-2011 Academic Year

Fall 2010:Introduction to Physics 95.141 and 95.161 (Honors)

Text: "Physics for Scientists and Engineers" 4th Edition, Giancoli


2009-2010 Academic Year

Spring 2010: Introductory Modern Physics 95.210

Text: "Modern Physics", 5th ed., Tipler & Llewellyni

Spring 2010: Introduction to Physics 95.141

Text: "Physics for Scientists and Engineers" 4th Edition, Giancoli

Fall 2009:Introduction to Physics 95.141 and 95.161 (Honors)

Text: "Physics for Scientists and Engineers" 4th Edition, Giancoli


2008-2009 Academic Year

Fall 2008: Solid State Electronics and Optoelectronic Devices

Text: "Solid State Electronic Devices" 6th Edition, Streetman & Banerjee

Spring 2009: Introductory Modern Physics

Text: "Modern Physics", Tipler & Llewellyn

Spring 2009: Introduction to Physics 95.141

Text: Physics: Principles with Applications, 6th Ed., Giancoli


2007-2008 Academic Year

Fall 2007:  Introduction to Physics 95.141

Text: "Physics for Scientists and Engineers", Fishbane, Gasiorowicz, and Thornton

Spring 2008: Introductory Modern Physics

Text: "Modern Physics", Tipler & Llewellyn