A six day field trip (in conjunction
with the IGCP-510 meeting in Belem, Brazil) to exposures of the
Archean and Paleoproterozoic granitoids of the Carajás metallogenic
province (CMP) and several associated ore deposits (Sossego copper
mine and the iron mines of Companhia Vale do Rio Doce). The CMP can be
divided into two major terranes - the Rio Maria granite-greenstone
terrane and the Carajás basin. Seven groups of granitoids are
distinguished in the CMP. Archean age granitoids - (1) older
tonalite-trondhjemite series, (2) sanukitoid series (granodiorites and
similar rocks), (3) younger tonalite-trondhjemite series, (4) potassic
leucogranites of calc-alkaline affinity, (5) granitoids of the Plaquê
suite, and (6) subalkaline foliated granites. Proterozoic age
granitoids - (7) A-type granites (A2).
outcrops of the Arco Verde tonalite. Field trip leader, Roberto
Dall'Agnol, in center of picture (Stop 2.1). |
The Marajoara
granite (Stop 2.2). |
(l to r) Jaana
Halla, Carlos Eduardo Barros de Mesquita (Cadu), Lêda Maria
Barreto Fraga, Brent Elliot (Stop 2.3). |
Mafic enclave
in Rio Maria granodiorite (Stop 3.1). |
An attractive,
but unidentified, seed pod (Stop 3.3). |
Scenic vista
(Stop 3.5). |
Basaltic pillow
lavas of the Andorinhas supergroup (Stop 4.1). |
Tonalitic rocks intruded by a
sub-horizontal ~4 m thick layer of pegmatitic leucogranite (Stop
4.3). |
Banded and
deformed trondhjemite (Stop 4.3). |
discussion (Stop 4.3). |
Karen Volp and Tapani Ramo
(Stop 4.3). |
Bob Martin,
Karin Volp, Jaana Halla, Tony Mariano, Alberto Lobo-Guerrero Sanz (l to r)
examining outcrop of leucomonzogranite, Xinguara granite (Stop 4.4). |
Tapani Ramo delivering the
gospel on Rapakivi granites (Stop 4.4). |
Água Fria
trondhjemite (Stop 4.5). |
Foliated and
deformed leucomonzogranites with tonalite enclave (Stop 4.5). |
Field trip bus
in front of hotel. Canaã dos Carajás. |
Horse drawn
cart. Canaã dos Carajás. |
Main street.
Canaã dos Carajás. |
lecture by Cadu (Stop 5.1). |
biotite leucomonzogranite (Stop 5.1). |
Scenic vista. Planalto pluton
(Stop 5.2). |
monzogranite of the Planalto pluton (Stop 5.2). |
Plan of the Sossego mine. |
Geologic map of Sossego mine
area. |
Map of Sossego mine ore
bodies. |
Map of Sossego mine ore
bodies. |
Reserve and production data.
Sossego mine. |
Ore transport system. Sossego
mine. |
Ore processing plant. Sossego
mine. |
Sossego mine. |
Drilling blast holes. Sossego
mine. |
Shovel at work. Sossego mine. |
Now that's ore grade material!
Sossego mine. |
Crusher. Sossego mine. |
Beneficiation. Sossego mine. |
Location of CVRD mines and
support facilities. |
Distribution of Carajás iron
ore. |
Map of CVRD iron mines. |
CVRD iron mine. |
CVRD iron mine. |
CVRD iron mine. |
CVRD iron mine. |
Bob Martin. CVRD iron mine. |
Michael Bennell. CVRD iron mine. |
Tapani Ramo, Nelson Eby, and
Brent Elliot getting ready for a game of polo. CVRD iron mine. (photo
by Karen Volp). |
Hornblende-bearing pegmatite
dike (Stop 6.3). |
Hornblende syenogranite (Stop
6.3). |
The creek (Stop 6.3). |
Crossing the creek the
exciting way (Stop 6.3). |
Crossing the creek the easy way (Stop 6.3). |
The women geologists - (l to
r) Karen Volp, Jaana Halla, Lêda Maria Barreto Fraga, Maria do
Carmo Pintal Gastal, Maria de Lourdes da Silva Rosa (Stop 6.3). |