Our works:
T. Hu, A. R. Teel and L. Zaccarian, ``Stability and performance for saturated systems
via quadratic and non-quadratic Lyapunov functions," IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, 51(11), pp.~1770-1786, 2006.
T. Hu and Z. Lin, Control Systems with Actuator Saturation: Analysis and Design,
Birkhauser, Boston, xvi, 392 p, July, 2001. (ISBN: 0-8176-4219-6).
T. Hu, R. Goebel, A.R. Teel and Z. Lin, ``Conjugate Lyapunov functions for saturated
linear systems," Automatica, 41(11), pp.~1949-1956, 2005.
T. Hu, A. R. Teel and L. Zaccarian, ``Regional anti-windup compensation for linear
systems with input saturation," The 2005 American Control Conference, pp.3397-3402, 2005.
T. Hu and Z. Lin,``Output regulation of linear systems with bounded continuous feedback,''
IEEE Transactions on Automatic control, Vol.49, No.11, pp.1941-1953, 2004.
H. Fang, Z. Lin and T. Hu, ``Analysis and control design of linear systems in the presence
of actuator saturation and L2-disturbances,'' Automatica, Vol.40, July, pp.1229-1238, 2004.
T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Controlled invariance of ellipsoids: linear vs nonlinear feedback,"
Systems & Control Letters, Vol.53, pp.203-210, 2004.
T. Hu, Z. Lin and Y. Shamash, ``On maximizing the convergence rate for linear systems
with input saturation," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.48, No.7,
pp.1249-1253, 2003.
T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``On the tightness of a recent set invariance condition under
actuator saturation," Systems & Control Letters, Vol.49, No.5, pp.389-399, 2003.
T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Composite quadratic Lyapunov functions for constrained control systems,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.48, No.3, pp.440-450, March 2003.
T. Hu and Z. Lin,``Output regulation of general discrete-time linear systems with
saturation nonlinearities,'' Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol.12, No.13,
pp.1129-1143, 2002.
T. Hu, D. Miller and L. Qiu, ``Null controllable region of LTI discrete-time systems
with input saturation,'' Automatica, Vol.38, No.11, pp.2009-2013, 2002.
T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``On improving performances with continuous feedback laws,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.47, No.9, pp.1570-1575, 2002.
T. Hu, Z. Lin and L. Qiu, ``An explicit description of the null controllable regions of
linear systems with saturating actuators," Systems & Control Letters, Vol.47, No.1,
pp.65-78, 2002.
T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``On semi-global stabilizability of anti-stable systems by saturated
linear feedback," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.47, No.7, pp.1193-1198, 2002.
T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Exact characterization of invariant ellipsoids for linear systems
with saturating actuators,'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.47, No.1,
pp.164-169, 2002.
T. Hu, Z. Lin and B. M. Chen, ``An analysis and design method for linear systems subject
to actuator saturation and disturbance," Automatica, Vol.38, No.2, pp.351-359, 2002.
T. Hu, Z. Lin and B. M. Chen, ``Analysis and design for linear discrete-time systems
subject to actuator saturation," Systems & Control Letters, Vol.45, No.2,
pp.97-112, 2002.
Y. Y. Cao, Z. Lin and T. Hu,``Stability analysis of linear time-delay systems subject to
actuator saturation,'' IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - Part I: Fundamental
Theory and Applications, Vol.49, No.2, pp.233-240, 2002.
T. Hu, Z. Lin and Y. Shamash, ``Semi-global stabilization with guaranteed regional perfor-
mance of linear systems subject to actuator saturation,'' Systems & Control Letters,
Vol.43, No.3, pp.203-210, 2001.
Z. Lin and T. Hu, ``Semi-global stabilization of linear system subject to output saturation,"
Systems & Control Letters, Vol.43, No.3, pp.211-217, 2001.
T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``A complete stability analysis of planar discrete-time linear systems
under saturation," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - Part I: Fundamental Theory
and Applications, Vol.48, No.6, pp.710-725, 2001.
T. Hu, Z. Lin and L. Qiu, ``Stabilization of exponentially unstable linear systems with
saturating actuators," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.46, No.6,
pp.973-979, 2001.
T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Practical stabilization of exponentially unstable linear systems
subject to actuator saturation nonlinearity and disturbance,'' Int. J. of Robust and
Nonlinear Control, Vol.11, pp.555-588, 2001.
T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``On enlarging the basin of attraction for linear systems under saturated
linear feedback,'' Systems & Control Letters, Vol.40, No.1, pp.59-69, 2000.
T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``A complete stability analysis of planar linear systems under saturation,''
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol.47, No.4,
pp.498-512, 2000.