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Books(Back to the Top)
1. W. Harmon,D.O.Bamgboje,H. Guo, T. Hu, Z.-L. Wang, Power management circuit for energy harvested by triboelectric nanogenerators, pending.
Journal Publications (Back to the Top)
- W. Harmon, D.O.Bamgboje,H. Guo, T. Hu, Z.-L. Wang, "Self-driven power management system
for triboelectric nanogenerators", Nano Energy (impact factor, 15.548), in press, 2020.
- D. O. Bamgboje, W. Harmon, M. Tahan, & T. Hu, "Low cost high performance LED driver
based on a self-oscillating boost converter," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
(impact factor, 7.224), 34(10), pp.10021-10034, 2019.
- M. Tahan and T. Hu, “Multiple string LED driver with flexible and high performance
dimming control,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (IF 7.224), 32(12), pp.9293-9306,
- L. Devarakonda and T. Hu, “Effects of rest time on discharge response and
equivalent circuit model for a lead-acid battery,” Journal of Power Sources (IF 7.467), 282,
pp. 19-27, 2015.
- L. Devarakonda and T. Hu, “Algebraic method for parameter identification of
circuit models for batteries under non-zero initial condition.” Journal of Power
Sources (IF 7.467), 268, pp. 928-940, 2014.
- H. Jung, H. Wang and T. Hu, “Control design for robust tracking and smooth
transition in power systems with battery/supercapacitor hybrid energy storage
devices,” Journal of Power Sources, 267, pp. 566-575, 2014.
- T. Hu, H. Jung, “Simple algorithms for determining parameters of circuit models
for charging/discharging batteries,” Journal of Power Sources, 233, pp. 14-22, 2013.
- H. Pham, H. Jung, T. Hu, “A state-space approach to modeling and ripple
reduction in AC - DC converters,” IEEE Trans. Control Systems Tech., 21(5),
pp. 1949-1956, 2013.
- T. Hu, H. Jung, “Estimation of magnitude of self-induced oscillations via piecewise
quadratic Lyapunov functions,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I, 58(12),
pp.2872 - 2881, Dec. 2011.
- T. Hu, B. Zanchi, J. Zhao, "Simple analytical method for
determining parameters of
discharging batteries,"
IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, 26(3), pp.787-798, Sept. 2011.
- Y. Yao, F. Fassinou, & T. Hu, "Stability and robust regulation
of battery
driven boost converter with simple feedback,"
IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, 26(9),
pp.2614-2626, Sept. 2011
- T. Hu, "A nonlinear system approach to analysis and design
of power electronic
converters with saturation and bilinear terms,"
IEEE Trans. Power Electronics,
26(2), pp.399-410, 2011.
- T.Hu, T.Thibodeau & A.R. Teel, "A unified Lyapunov approach to analysis of
oscillations and stability for systems with piecewise linear elements,"
IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 55(12), pp.2864-2869, 2010.
- T. Hu and F. Blanchini, ``Non-conservative matrix inequality conditions for
stability/stabilizability of linear differential inclusions," Automatica, 46(1),
pp.190-196, Jan. 2010.
- D. Dai, T. Hu, A. R. Teel and L. Zaccarian, ``Output feedback design for
saturated linear plants using deadzone loops,"
Automatica, 45(12), pp.2917-2924,
Dec. 2009.
- M. Massimetti, L. Zaccarian, T. Hu, and A. R. Teel, ``Linear discrete-time
global and regional anti-windup: an LMI approach,"
Int. J. of Control, 82(12),
pp. 2179-2192, Dec. 2009.
- T. Thibodeaua, W. Tong, and T. Hu, ``Set invariance and performance
of linear systems via truncated ellipsoids,"
Automatica, 45(9), pp.2046-2051, Sept. 2009.
- D. Dai, T. Hu, A. R. Teel and L. Zaccarian,``Piecewise-quadratic
functions for systems with deadzones or saturations,"
Systems & Control Letters,58(5),
pp.365-371, May 2009.
- T. Hu, L. Ma and Z. Lin, ``Stabilization of switched systems
via composite
quadratic functions,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 53(11),
pp.2571-2585, Dec. 2008.
- T. Hu, A. R. Teel and L. Zaccarian, ``Anti-windup synthesis for linear
systems with input saturation: Achieving regional, nonlinear performance,"
Automatica, 44(2), pp.512-519, Feb. 2008.
- Z. Lin, M. Glauser, T. Hu, P. E. Allaire, ``Magnetically suspended
beam with disturbances: a test rig for non-linear output regulation,"
International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems, 1(1), pp.2-9, Jan. 2008.
- T. Hu and A. R. Teel, ``Characterization of forced vibration for
inclusions: A Lyapunov approach,"
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -
Part I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, pp.1367-1379, 54(6), 2007.
- T. Hu, ``Nonlinear control design for linear differential inclusions via
convex hull of quadratics," Automatica, 43(4), pp.685-692, 2007.
- T. Hu, A. R. Teel and L. Zaccarian, ``Stability and performance for saturated
via quadratic and non-quadratic Lyapunov functions," IEEE Transactions
on Automatic Control,
51(11), pp.~1770-1786, 2006.
- R. Goebel, A.R. Teel, T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Conjugate convex Lyapunov functions
for dual linear differential equations," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
51(4), pp.661-666, 2006.
- T. Hu, A. R. Teel and Z. Lin, ``Lyapunov characterization of forced oscillations,"
Automatica, 41, October,
pp.1723-1735, 2005.
- T. Hu, R. Goebel, A. R. Teel and Z. Lin, ``Conjugate Lyapunov functions for
saturated linear systems," Automatica,
41(11), pp.1949-1956, 2005.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Absolute stability analysis of discrete-time systems with
composite quadratic Lyapunov functions," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Vol.50, pp.781-797, 2005.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Convex analysis of invariant sets for a class of nonlinear
Systems & Control Letters, 54(8), pp.729-737, 2005.
- T. Hu, Z. Lin, W. Jiang and P. Allaire, ``Constrained control design for
magnetic bearings
systems,'' ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and
Control, Vol.127, No.4, pp.601-616, 2005.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin,``Output regulation of linear systems with bounded continuous
IEEE Transactions on Automatic control, Vol.49, No.11, pp.1941-1953, 2004.
- T. Hu, B. Huang and Z. Lin, ``Absolute stability with a generalized sector condition,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 49, pp.535-548, 2004.
- T. Hu, Z. Lin and P. Allaire, ``Power-loss reduction by optimizing current
in magnetic bearings,'' IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.40,
May, pp.~1625-1635, 2004.
- H. Fang, Z. Lin and T. Hu, ``Analysis and control design of linear systems
in the presence
of actuator saturation and L2-disturbances,'' Automatica, Vol.40,
July, pp.1229-1238, 2004.
- T. Hu, Z. Lin and J. Lam, ``A unified gradient approach to performance optimization
under pole assignment constraint", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,
to appear, July, 2004.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Properties of the composite quadratic Lyapunov functions,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.49, No.7, pp.1162-1167, 2004.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Controlled invariance of ellipsoids: linear vs nonlinear feedback,"
Systems & Control Letters, Vol.53, pp.203-210, 2004.
- T. Hu, Z. Lin and Y. Shamash, ``On maximizing the convergence rate for linear systems
with input saturation," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.48, No.7,
pp.1249-1253, 2003.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``On the tightness of a recent set invariance condition under
actuator saturation," Systems & Control Letters, Vol.49, No.5, pp.389-399, 2003.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Composite quadratic Lyapunov functions for constrained control
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.48, No.3, pp.440-450, March 2003.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin,``Output regulation of general discrete-time linear systems with
saturation nonlinearities,'' Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol.12,
No.13, pp.1129-1143, 2002.
- T. Hu, D. Miller and L. Qiu, ``Null controllable region of LTI discrete-time systems
with input saturation,'' Automatica, Vol.38, No.11, pp.2009-2013, 2002.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``On improving performances with continuous feedback laws,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.47, No.9, pp.1570-1575, 2002.
- T. Hu, Z. Lin and L. Qiu, ``An explicit description of the null controllable
regions of
linear systems with saturating actuators," Systems & Control Letters,
Vol.47, No.1,
pp.65-78, 2002.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``On semi-global stabilizability of anti-stable systems by
linear feedback," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.47, No.7,
pp.1193-1198, 2002.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Exact characterization of invariant ellipsoids for linear
with saturating actuators,'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Vol.47, No.1,
pp.164-169, 2002.
- T. Hu, Z. Lin and B. M. Chen, ``An analysis and design method for linear
systems subject
to actuator saturation and disturbance," Automatica, Vol.38,
No.2, pp.351-359, 2002.
- T. Hu, Z. Lin and B. M. Chen, ``Analysis and design for linear discrete-time
subject to actuator saturation," Systems & Control Letters, Vol.45,
pp.97-112, 2002.
- Y. Y. Cao, Z. Lin and T. Hu,``Stability analysis of linear time-delay systems
subject to
actuator saturation,'' IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -
Part I: Fundamental
Theory and Applications, Vol.49, No.2, pp.233-240, 2002.
- T. Hu, Z. Lin and Y. Shamash, ``Semi-global stabilization with guaranteed regional
mance of linear systems subject to actuator saturation,'' Systems & Control
Vol.43, No.3, pp.203-210, 2001.
- Z. Lin and T. Hu, ``Semi-global stabilization of linear system subject to
output saturation,"
Systems & Control Letters, Vol.43, No.3, pp.211-217, 2001.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``A complete stability analysis of planar discrete-time linear
under saturation," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - Part I:
Fundamental Theory
and Applications, Vol.48, No.6, pp.710-725, 2001.
- T. Hu, Z. Lin and L. Qiu, ``Stabilization of exponentially unstable linear
systems with
saturating actuators," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Vol.46, No.6,
pp.973-979, 2001.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Practical stabilization of exponentially unstable linear
subject to actuator saturation nonlinearity and disturbance,''
Int. J. of Robust and
Nonlinear Control, Vol.11, pp.555-588, 2001.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``On enlarging the basin of attraction for linear systems under
linear feedback,'' Systems & Control Letters, Vol.40, No.1, pp.59-69, 2000.
- T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``A complete stability analysis of planar linear systems
under saturation,''
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental
Theory and Applications, Vol.47, No.4,
pp.498-512, 2000.
- J. Lam, W.-Y. Yan, and T. Hu, ``Pole assignment with eigenvalue and stability
Int. J. Control, Vol.72, No.13, pp.1165-1174, 1999.
- T. Hu and J. Lam, ``Improvement of parametric stability margin under pole assignment,''
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.44, No.10, pp.1938-1942, 1999.
- T. Hu and J. Lam, ``On optimizing performance indices with pole assignment constraints,''
Proceedings of IME Part I -Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Vol.212,
pp.327-337, 1998.
- T. Hu and L. Qiu, ``On structured perturbation of Hermitian matrices,'' Linear
and Its Applications, Vol.275-276, pp.287-314, 1998.
- T. Hu and L. Qiu, ``Controllable regions of linear systems with bounded inputs,''
Systems & Control Letters, Vol.33, pp.55-61, 1998.
- T. Hu and L. Qiu, ``Complex and real performance radii and their computation,''
Int. J.
of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol.7, pp.187-209, 1997.
Chapters in Book (Back to the Top)
D. Dai, T. Hu, A. R. Teel and L. Zaccarian, ``Case studies on the control of input-constrained linear plants
via output feedback containing an internal deadzone loop," in
Lecture notes in control and information sciences, Springer, Berlin, 2007.
R. Goebel, T. Hu and A. R. Teel, ``Dual matrix inequalities in stability and
performance analysis of linear differential/difference inclusions," in Current Trends
in Nonlinear Systems and Control. Birkhauser, pp.103-122, 2005.
T. Hu, A. N. Pitsillides and Z. Lin, ``Null controllability and stabilization of
linear systems subject to asymmetric actuator saturation," in Actuator Saturation
Control, eds., V. Kapila and K.M. Grigoriadis, Dekker, pp.47-76, 2002.
Selected Conference Publications (Back to the Top)
T. Hu, L. Ma and Z. Lin, ``On several composite quadratic Lyapunov
for switched systems,"
IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, 2006.
T. Hu, ``Nonlinear control design for linear differential inclusions via
convex hull quadratic Lyapunov functions," The 2006 American Control Conference.
T. Hu, A. R. Teel and L. Zaccarian, ``Nonlinear L2 gain and regional analysis
for linear systems with anti-windup compensation," The 2005 American Control Conference, pp.3391-3396, 2005.
T. Hu, A. R. Teel and L. Zaccarian, ``Regional anti-windup compensation for linear
systems with input saturation," The 2005 American Control Conference, pp.3397-3402, 2005.
T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Absolute stability analysis through a connection to saturation nonlinearities,"
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2004.
T. Hu, Z. Lin, R. Goebel and A. R. Teel, ``Stability regions for saturated linear systems
via conjugate Lyapunov functions," IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2004.
R. Goebel, A. R. Teel, T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Dissipativity for dual linear differential inclusions
through conjugate storage functions,'' IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2004.
T. Hu, Z. Lin, M. Abel and P. Allaire, ``Human gait modeling: dealing with holonomic
constraints," The 2004 American Control Conference, 2004.
T. Hu, A. R. Teel and Z. Lin, ``A Lyapunov approach to frequency analysis," The 2004
American Control Conference, 2004.
T. Hu and Z. Lin, ``Convexity of invariant sets for a class of nonlinear systems,"
The 2004 American Control Conference, 2004.
T. Hu, Z. Lin, W. Jiang and P. Allaire, ``Constrained control design of magnetic
bearing systems,'' The 2003 American Control Conference, pp.1086-1091, Denver, Colorado, 2003.
T. Hu, Z. Lin and P. Allaire, ``Power-loss minimization in magnetic bearing systems,''
Proceedings of the 41th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp.854-859, Las Vegas, 2002.
T. Hu, Z. Lin and P. Allaire, ``Power-loss reduction by optimizing current allocation in
magnetic bearings,''The 8th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, pp.169-174, Japan,
August, 2002.
T. Hu, Z. Lin, W. Jiang and P. Allaire, ``Control of balance beam with magnetic bearings:
a linear model approach,'' The 8th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, pp.181-185,
Japan, August, 2002.
T. Hu, Z. Lin, B. Huang, P. Allaire,``Stabilization and performance of a balanced beam
suspended on magnetic bearings,'' Proceedings of the 2002 American Control Conference,
pp.4662-4667, Anchorage, Alaska, 2002.
T. Hu, Z. Lin, B. Huang, P. Allaire, ``On minimum current biasing and control design for
a balanced beam suspended on magnetic bearings," Proceedings of the 6th International
Symposium on Magnetic Suspension Technology (ISMST), pp.410-415, Turin, Italy,
October, 2001.